Daddy Is Home

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A/n blimey this fanfic is nearly over! Please enjoy!

I am lounging down on the sofa for the first time in days, I have been so erratic with Lucy but now my husband is back home he is putting her to bed. He looks so jetlagged bless him but he’s used to it I guess but I do feel for him. He has missed Lucy so much and we she saw him it was…so cute. He has been in the States for three months and yes we have spoken to him a couple times on video chat but he has been so busy, plus he wanted to make the most of his time in the States. He is not going abroad again until…yeah anyway. It is nice just sitting with a glass of wine in one hand and the television remote in the other. “She is asleep.” Ben announces as he sits down next to me slumping into the fabric.

“Did you turn her ventilator on?” I ask and he nods. “Because you know how important it is to-”

“I am not going to let her suffocate don’t worry.” He snaps back dryly, “Sorry, just tired. Did I miss much since we last spoke?”

“Well I have watched all three Hobbit films with Lucy after you got her the book.” He chuckles and mutters something which sounded like ‘sorry’. “I almost set fire to this place whist discussing Smaug and the Necromancer which you did the voices for-”

“And the motion capture!” He adds and I burst out laughing. It reminds me of the conversation Lucy and I had. I place my glass onto the coffee table and notice a script lying around so I point at it. “Oh that’s a Sherlock script.” He explains not taking his eyes off me or my face to be precise.

“Shouldn’t you be studying it?”

“I am busy studying you.” Geez that was cheesy, but he is right. He is focusing his attention to my lips, I guess we haven’t had a proper kiss in months and I have missed his body contact.

“Okay.” I reply smoothly, “What do you want to watch?” I ask poising the television remote at the ready.

“I would rather watch you.” I am about to reply with some sarcastic remark when Ben shuffles towards me and pushes me onto my back so he is on top of me. “I’ve missed you.” He growls seductively before planting his soft, full lips onto mine. I have missed this and him obviously!

“I’ve missed you too.” I reply after he shifts his lips from my mouth and onto my neck.

“Mummy!” Lucy shouts from her room and I sigh as I remove myself underneath Benedict. He grumbles slightly and then follows. We enter Lucy’s room which is a baby pink with butterflies painted on the walls in purple. “I’ve wet the bed.” She blushes obviously embarrassed. It is not her fault, she has less control over her bladder now and it is not like she hasn’t done it before. I help her into her wheel chair and push her out of the room as Benedict strips the bed of its dirty sheets and replaces it with clean ones. I enter the living room with Lucy and I sit on the sofa opposite her wheelchair. “Can I ask you something that I have been thinking about for a while?” She asks.

“Of course honey. What is it?” I lean closer to her and she twiddles her thumbs.

“Will you and daddy be okay when I die?” She asks sincerely and I am taken aback by her question. “I know you will be sad but I don’t want you to be too sad! And daddy has to carry on acting and you should travel with him and-” She rushes so I stop her by placing my hand on her thigh.

“Darling, your father and I will be very upset but we will try our best to move on. But you will never be forgotten.” It is difficult to talk to her about this stuff and I find it very hard to work out what to say. “Travelling sounds like a good idea.” I praise and she smiles feeling like she has accomplished something.

“Can I be cremated?” She asks and I suck in a breath, keeping it there for a couple of seconds before exhaling to keep myself calm. “So if you do travel, you can take me with you.” She expands so I nod, no words are coming out. Luckily though, my knight in shining armour enters. “Daddy! Mummy said that I can be cremated so I go travelling with you two when I die!” She exclaims happily. How can she be so happy? I turn to see Benedict’s pained expression but he quickly covers it up with a fake smile.

“I was explaining to Lucy that she doesn’t have to worry about us because we have each other.” I nod as I say this hoping that the information would assimilate into Ben’s tired brain.

“Ah I see.” He simply states, “Don’t worry little one.” He pats her on the head and she looks up at him appalled.

“I am not little! I watched The Hobbit which is a twelve!” She yells and we chuckle.

“Yes your mum was telling me. Who was your favourite character?” He asks.

“Ooh there is so many! I love Gandalf, Bombur, oh and Fili and Kili!” She pants happily, “But my favourite character all together is…” She thinks for a moment and I watch as Benedict leans forward in anticipation. “Bilbo! Uncle Martin’s performance is amazing!” Ooh burn! “I am joking! You were the best dad.” She joshes. She is always a joker even in the worst of times.

A/n one more part to go! 

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