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A/n the image is Benedict's reaction to making the fangirls scream and the video is the song which is mentioned in this chapter

“Love, wake up.” A voice awakes me. I feel two hands on my arms and I open my eyes slowly to the piercing light and a blurry image. I squint a couple of times to reveal my husband above me. He leans down and plants a soft kiss to my forehead before helping me up.

“Ben you are home!” I exclaim and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me tight and I can feel the tension leave his body like he is relieved to see that I am okay. “How was San Diego?” I ask releasing him from my grasp.

“It was amazing! It was such a great experience and I met loads of new people.” He explains.

“I saw lots of pictures of you and Josh Horowitz.” He chuckles as he recollects his thoughts.

“Josh was a laugh. But I also met some of Tom’s mates from the avengers who awesome and I caught up with James McAvoy.” Ben and James did a film together a while back called Starter for 10. “I met someone you have a bit of a thing for.” He continues.

“Chris Hemsworth?!” I almost shout. He furrows his brow.

“No…Jeremy Renner. You have a thing for Hemsworth as well?!” He questions and I laugh.

“He has massive muscles and is Australian.” I reason. “Hence why I like Hugh Jackman as well.”

“I can do an Australian accent.” He says in his best accent.

“Yes but you don’t have massive muscles.” I poke his biceps, yes he has muscles but they are not huge. He tuts.

“Blame Sherlock for that.”


I wake up early at six and get changed into my running clothes. I haven’t been running for a while so I think it is time to bring back the old habit. I write a note for Ben and tie up my laces before jogging out of the house and shutting the door. I plug in my headphones into my iPod and put my running playlist on shuffle. The first song that comes on is a song I know well; Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine. I hum along to the music as a jog through the park and past many other runners. I up the pace to a run as I pass the playground and all the young children. My child will never be able to climb monkey bars do the swings by herself. This saddens me.

As I reach the top of the hill I sit down on the bench and rest, looking over at the view. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder so I unplug my headphones and peer around at the figure he is a young teenage girl in running gear who is probably about sixteen. “Can I sit with you?” The girl asks. I nod and take a sip of my water. “Are you y/n Cumberbatch?” The girl asks and I nod again. “My name is Ashley and I am a massive fan of your company’s magazines.” I wasn’t expecting that. I thought she would be a Cumberbitch.

“It is lovely to meet you Ashley.” I giggle which causes her to look confused. “I thought you were going to say that you are a Benedict fan.” I explain and she smiles.

“I like Sherlock but I am not a fangirl. I prefer younger stars…” She trails.

“So you should. Who is your idol and I can see if I can interview him for the next issue of Starry Eyes?” I ask and her eyes light up.

“Ed Sheeran.” I like Ed Sheeran’s music as well. “His music is just incredible! And he is so cute!”

“I will see what I can-” I am interrupted by the sound of gunshots being fired in the distance.

Benedict’s POV

I wake and see a note on my night stand. I reach over and it reads: Going for a run in the park, will be back soon x I walk over to the nursery and see Lucy still fast asleep, I chuckle before heading into the living area to make a cup of tea and to sit back and watch TV whilst waiting for Lucy to wake up. Because of her condition, she needs more energy so sleeps longer.

After making a hot steamy cup of tea I sit down a switch on the TV, the news comes on. The headline catches my eye: BREAKING NEWS: SHOOTING IN PARKLAND The images show the park and police trying to stop the shooters but it is no use. I recognise that park…oh my god! Y/n is there!


I turn to the girl sitting next to me who is now hyperventilating with panic. “Shush it is okay. They are all the way over there.” I attempt to calm Ashley down but I can hear the gunshots getting closer. I help her off the bench and we head into some woodland area. I set her down near a tree and we lean against it. “See it is fine. We are going to be fine.” I don’t if I am trying to reassure her or myself here. I hear police sirens and people screaming. There have been one or two agonising shrieks obviously those who have been shot. I hope no children have been shot…who would do such a thing?!

“I am not going to die am I?” The girl whispers now with tears streaming down her face. I shake my head and hug her.

Benedict’s POV

Pick up! I am phoning y/n for the fourth time now. According to the TV only officers have been shot but how reliable is this information! I rush into my bedroom and see y/n’s mobile phone on the night stand. I sigh before sitting on the bed my legs trembling with nervousness.


I should phone Ben, he will be worried but I think I have left my phone at home. Drat! “Darling have you got a phone on you?” I ask Ashley who is still struggling to regulate her breathing. She shakes her head and I sigh. I hear shouting getting closer so I help Ashley up and explain the plan. “Ashley my house is not too far from here. If you can calm down we can run to there.” She nods and takes some deep breaths. “Ready?”

“Ready.” She clarifies and we begin to run through the forest and towards the road.

A/n hope the change in POVs didn't confuse you guys too much :)

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