Excitement and Cameras

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A/n oops first uploaded this chapter onto the wrong story but here it si! It is only short :/

I am finally home and ‘well’ as Ben puts it to all his friends. I am absolutely fine I just want to get on with life, forget about everything bad. Lucy is watched some cartoons at the moment so I have time to read the new issue of Stars in Her Eyes Magazine before it is published. She looks so content just sitting there not a care in the world. If only she knew what is going to happen to her in the future. I have told Ben that I don’t want her going to school and that I will home school her even if that means giving up my job. I cannot help but think she would be bullied at school and it is not like she is going to be able to use her education in the distant future. There is a knock on the door and I shout, “Its open!” In walks Tom with a large bag pack on his back. I raise an eyebrow and his sighs before looking heavenwards.

“He hasn’t told you.” It was more of a statement than a question, I shake my head. “You and Ben are going away for the weekend and I am looking after this little minx.” He explains whilst stroking Lucy’s cheek. Benedict bursts this and freezes when he sees Tom and me with a raised eyebrow.

“Ah. I gather Tom has told you.” I nod in response to Ben’s stupidity. “I thought you would like to come with me to the premiere of the Imitation Game which is tonight so Tom is staying so we can stay in a hotel nearer Leister Square?”

“I would love to go to a premiere with you.” I smile; it has been a while since I’ve attended any premieres or press conferences of Ben’s so it would be nice.


The car pulls up the red carpet and the driver opens the door of the black limousine. Ben gets out first and waves to the crowds before helping me out carefully. I am wearing a coral coloured dress which goes just beyond my knees and silver stilettos with a silver clutch bag. We link arms for the cameras and we flash some smiles, I cannot show how excited I actually I am to be here. Ben signals that he is just going to sign some autographs and I smile but am left stranded in the middle of the red carpet. Luckily Keira Knightley swoops me away from being awkward and embraces me a hug. “It is wonderful to see you.” She gushes obviously hyped up because of being surrounded by cameras.

“It is great to see you to!” I exclaim pulling away.

“How’s Lucy?” She asks.

“She is very content at the moment.” I smile and we link arms before striding off down the carpet, leaving a rejected Benedict who fakes puppy dog eyes at me and pouts. I shake my head and laugh.

“What are you giggling at?” Keira asks and I point at Benedict she laughs before beckoning him over. He links arms with me so I am now in a linked armed sandwich between Keira and Ben. Cameras flash and fans scream as we walk towards the auditorium.

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