Y/n's Holiday Blog

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A/n I know it has been a while but I hope you enjoy it!

Day One

Today we arrived here in this beautiful place. Ah Hawaii. As soon as I exited the plane holding onto the hand luggage I felt the heat sweep over me. It felt quite satisfying when we left the London storms and arrived in a beautiful warm place. Lucy noticed the heat too; I doubt that she has ever felt heat like it! But the temperature is not the main thing that I have noticed but the privacy. We haven’t been pestered once by the press or fans. Yes Ben loves his fans (hi if you are reading this) but it is nice to get away every once in a while. Anyway, when we got to the hotel that we are staying in – which is very nice by the way – I sat down with Lucy in the lobby whilst Ben talked to the receptionist. He was quite a while but I could see that they were very busy so I did not mind; I just sat bouncing Lucy on my knee. That was when a very nice man sat next to me called Bill. I could tell from his accent that he is a New Zealander his wife was in the queue at reception. “She deals with paperwork; I always seem to mess it up.” He said to me which made me giggle. His attention then turned to Lucy looking at her leg supports, “Muscular dystrophy?” He asked which I was surprised about. He then explained to me that his late son had it and then we quickly changed the subject not wanting to talk about any of that stuff. “The wife and I am a regular here, I haven’t seen you here before. Bill.” He held out his hand for me to shake.

“It is nice to meet you Bill. My name is y/n Cumberbatch and this Lucy.” He smiled warmly, “And that over there is my husband Benedict.” I was surprised when he didn’t recognise or have heard of Ben but that was nice I guess. I told him that I co-owned Stars In Her Eyes magazine which he said his wife reads and then I told him that Ben is an actor.

“Successful?” He asked and I nodded before I explained what he had been in and then he instantly knew who he was. “Ah Sherlock Holmes! Yes the wife and I love that show!”

Other than that we haven’t done much today, mainly travelled and had our room service in our room but I cannot wait until tomorrow and checking out the beach!


Day Two

This morning I awoke to the sound of a thud followed by a grown, it was Ben. He fell out of bed like a small child so now he has a slight bruise on his bicep but apart from that he is unharmed so calm down you Cumberbitches (do not tell Benedict that I called you that!) but after this little…event we made our way down to breakfast. On the terrace where we ate breakfast, there was a large buffet with a huge range of food of all different nationalities. Ben went against the advice of his fitness trainer and had the full English breakfast whereas Lucy and I munched on some tropical fruit and few slices of toast…with chocolate spread. But to hell with it! We are on holiday.

After shoving as many calories as we could down our gullet we returned back to our room and got ready to go out for the day. Because of the high level of heat, we didn’t stay out long because Lucy started to bawl. But we did go to the beach and Ben purchased a bucket and spade which Lucy mainly just studied wondering what these amazing objects were.

Sunburnt cheeks and three failed sandcastles later we went to a beach bar and ordered lots of ice cream which Lucy seemed to enjoy more than the seashells. Ben had some sort of nutty ice cream Sunday with lashing of nuts on top, Lucy had a simple scoop of chocolate and I had strawberries and cream with strawberry sauce. It was to die for!

Anyway I hope you guys had a great day like I did!

Day Three

Today we went to a fish zoo thing, basically there were lots of pretty fish in tanks. Ben held Lucy as close as he could to the glass so she felt like she could touch them. She ran her fingers along the glass to attract the fish and giggled when they followed her finger along the side of the tank. This made me think that maybe she would have been something like a marine biologist when she was older but you know some things are not meant to be. Anyway…I saw this fish which was a coral colour but the fins were yellow and purple, it was so pretty I want one!

We had dinner with Bill and his wife Lily. The food was delicious and I don’t think I could eat again! Lucy was so chatty with Bill telling him all about the aquarium…wait that is what it is called haha xD

She is usually so quiet and reserved but one mention of fish and she is off chattering like a chimpanzee or laughing like a hyena. But bad news. We apparently have to go home tomorrow because of a volcano is “acting weird” L Basically they are worried that it might erupt so back to London tomorrow which is a shame because I would love to spend more time here.

But I have loved my holiday so much in fact it is the happiest I have been in years. Talk soon. 

A/n this book will be over in a couple of parts :( but thank you for the support! Please check out my other fanfics. After this is finished I will focus on 'Going Through It With You' and do a couple of Sherlock one shots on the side so please check them out! I have a great idea for my next oneshot so I cannot wait to write that! Please vote, comment, share :)

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