A Rumour With Loki

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A/n this chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @xMalfoyssweetheartx please check out her amazing fanfictions

“I remembered Martin is a vegetarian thank god! Cause last time when I made chicken curry, that didn’t go down too well.” Tom chuckles in response. I am in McDonalds; yes McDonalds don’t judge me with Tom Hiddleston. We are having food before the movie. He let me choose the food because of my recent eating issues and as a joke I said McDonalds but what I didn’t realise was Tom’s love for junk food.

“Are you serious? What did he eat?” Tom replies to my point sitting in a baseball cap and glasses, to be disguised. I am telling him about my week.

“Just rice, nothing else. I felt so bad and I almost murdered Ben for not telling me!” He continues to laugh and takes a big bite out of his burger. “How was your week?” I ask interested.

“You know. Filming, press and fans the usual really. They’ve announced a new Thor film at comic con which I am very much looking forward to.” He explains. I love his portrayal as Loki! Apparently he auditioned to be Thor and bulked up but they gave him the part of Loki so he had to lose weight. He looks at his watch which is green, how appropriate. “We’d better get going.” He states helping me up, always a gentleman. We are sitting the Fault in Our Stars because I have finally read the book. He links his arm with mine. I was so clumsy earlier on this week, I wore high heels to see Loo at Costa and the heel got stuck in between two paving stones and I have twisted my ankle. I haven’t told Ben he would only worry but Tom is helping me walk.

“Thank you.” I smile graciously as we walk to the cinema.


We walk back home and I have tears flooding my face. That film was so sad and anyone who watched it without crying is heartless, even Tom let a couple of tears slide. I dismiss Loo who is babysitting Lucy, even though she is not a children person. I wipe away my final tears and start laughing hysterically which causes Tom to raise an eyebrow. “What?” He asks.

“I am just laughing at how stupid I am.” I explain and he nods so I hit him painfully on the arm. I look at the clock; it will be four o’clock in San Diego. Today Ben did the hobbit panel and tomorrow he is doing the penguins of Madagascar. I stroll into the kitchen, well limp because of my sore ankle and pour two glasses of red wine. I pass one to Tom and set the other down on the coffee table. “I am just going to check on Lucy.” I state before exiting.

I peer over the edge of her cot and lean in the kiss her on the forehead. I love her with all my heart…I will be so sad when she is gone…

I feel my cheeks getting wet and I realise that I am crying. I rush out of the nursery ignoring the pain to my ankle so I don’t disturb her. Tom sees me and panics and quickly puts down his wine glass before dashing to comfort me. He guides me to the sofa and sits down next to me, a look of concern in his eyes. “What’s wrong y/n?”

“It’s just the thought…” I take a deep breath. “The thought of losing her is devastating.” He passes me a tissue so I can wipe my eyes. “Sorry I shouldn’t be letting all this out on you.” I apologise, he shakes his head quickly.

“Believe me it is much easier having a woman cry on you than a man and Ben has cried many times about this.” He expounds. I feel like I have just been stabbed in the heart, Ben has never cried in front of me before. He feels like he has to go to his friend’s houses to cry about it, this breaks me. “You should talk to Ben.”

“No, he is enjoying himself. Look!” I exclaim as I point at the TV which is showing the highlights of the day at Comic Con. Tom frowns before shaking his head. “Please Tom.” He looks straight at me. “Don’t tell him. It will only make him worry more.” Tom sighs and then nods reluctantly.


I have just put Lucy to bed. I cannot believe it is tomorrow that Ben comes home, I am about to watch him on the TV. My phone has been going crazy all afternoon saying ‘look at the news’ but I don’t want to get involve in whatever lies are being thrown around. I hear a knock at the door and open it to see a very flustered Tom. I smile but he just storms in a presents me with a pile of print outs off news websites. The headlines read stuff like: ‘Is Mrs Cumberbatch Faithful?’, ‘Has Y/N Cumberbatch Gone from One British Actor to Another?’ and ‘Affair on Baker Street.’ I look at Tom confused before realising what the articles mean. The paparazzi saw me and Tom linked arms yesterday outside the cinema and ‘questions are being asked.’

“Don’t worry Tom. Ben won’t believe this crap.” I turn on the TV to see that I have missed most of the panel and now the audience are asking the cast questions.

“Mr Cumberbatch!” A woman from the crowd shouts.

“Yes how can I help you?” He replies.

“Is it true that your wife is having an affair with Tom Hiddleston?” The woman asks and Tom face palms.

“My wife is faithful and I trust her with all my heart. She and Tom are just friends; they were just going to the cinema.” He replies, calm as ever.

“Why were they linking arms then?” The woman battles. Geez I hate this bitch.

“I deduce.” He states before pausing giving the crowd time to whoop. Lovely Sherlock reference there Benedict, well done. “She probably hurt her ankle or something. She is clumsy. Isn’t that right love?” He asks staring directly down the camera lens. Without hesitation I pick up my phone and call Ben and I hear his phone ring on the TV. He picks up and puts it on speaker phone. “Hello love, how are you?” He asks sweetly. I peer at Tom who is gobsmacked about my action.

“I am good Ben, how are you?” I reply and the camera pans a view of the shocked crowd.

“I’m great. How is Lucy?” This makes the crowd aww.

“Very content.” I reply smirking slightly.

“Y/n I was just wondering, have you fallen in love with Loki?” That sass though.

“Yes but I haven’t fallen in love with Thomas here.” I reply with the same amount of sass, possibly more.

“Ah Tom is there is he?”

“He came to warn me about this crap going around. You were right by the way, great deduction. I did twist my ankle.” He winks and the fangirls scream. I sigh when I hear Lucy crying. “Better go love, Lucy is crying. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye love you.” The fangirls are screaming louder now.

“I love you too.”

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