Part three | kth

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The Unpredictable Boy
pt3 :

Two years later,

You're in the fashion business ready for your interview this early morning. The pit of your stomach keeps twirling around, a constant jittery feeling circling into nerves that make your palms pool with sweat. You should be accustomed to this, you've only ever been good at designing clothes; it's what you do best and what you admire doing.

"Mr Kim will see you now." Said the woman behind the desk.

You instantly got up from your seat, checking behind whether you forgot anything and proceeded to walk into the elevator. The soft tune in the lift seemed to momentarily calm your alarming nerves, though only just for a minute before stepping out the elevator.

Everything seemed so unfamiliar; you had never once stepped into this building before. Not once.

But as you neared closer towards the only door on this level, your heartbeat raced erratically across your chest with a beaming thump of anxiety that pooled you into self-consciousness.

What if you weren't good enough for this company? What if they didn't admire your potential? How much would he say to make it clear that your work isn't as good as their standards? How far will they crush your dreams?

You stopped in your tracks and took a deep breath in. Breathe, just breathe. You will do incredibly well, if they don't take you, that's obviously their loss.

So you raised your chin high, pushed your chest outwards and walked confidently in your stilettos even if it was digging into the back of your ankles, painfully. This was your time to shine, this was the day to show what power you held and how useful it'd be to such an incredible company.

And you were going to give it your all.

Taking a deep breath in, you knocked against the door and patiently waited for him to say or do something.

"Come in," he raised his voice.

Your eyes widened from the deep voice, suddenly a bit conflicted about yourself and the opportunity you've been given. A part of you knew it'd be a hassle to adjust to a new man in your life, regardless how close of a relationship it was, but you knew of how tragic your past was with someone you thought you knew who most definitely wasn't the person he portrayed himself as.

And at the end of the day, you got hurt. It was your mistake, your tragedy that still till this day, haunts you from ever having any sort of interaction with any guy.

So Mr Kim just might be another man added to the list of rejections; for you could never trust him with your life or love despite him being your boss or not.

It's something you can't ever forget. How could you when you had been so brutally played?

You bit back the tears that so easily wanted to fall and took a deep breath in, reminding yourself of who you are and how far you've come. Your hand reached for the door knob, twisting it and entering the warm room.

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