My Little Brother

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I couldn’t stop staring at Adam as he continued to sniff his shoe. “Ugh, smells like something died in here!” He looked inside. Whoa, something did die in here!” He brought the shoe closer to us. “Guys, look at this!”

He shoved it in Chase’s face. “No.” He shoved it away and went back to his book.

“Well, at least tell me if this is fur or mold.” Adam shoved it in his face again, and Chase pulled away.

No.” He answered, annoyed.

Adam put his shoe back on, but his foot went completely through the front of the shoe. Um, what?

“Adam, what did you do to your shoe?” Chase demanded.

“I guess I don’t know my own strength.” Adam said. “The same thing happened yesterday with my underwear. Oh, that reminds me.” He pulled out the elastic band of the underwear and placed it on Chase’s head. “I got you a new headband for gym class.”

Chase ripped off the elastic band and looked at Adam, his jaw clenched. Shit, he was mad. He walked over to his backpack. “Man, Mr. Davenport warned us about this. As we get older, our chips have to be re-calibrated to adjust to our growth.”

Adam laughed. “Oh, then yours will never have to be adjusted. ‘Cause your body doesn’t grow! Get it?” Chase ignored him. “I’m saying you’re small!”

“I get it!” Chase snapped. “When Mr. Davenport gets back, he can recalibrate your super strength. Toss me my backpack.”

Adam grabbed it and tossed it to him, only he missed Chase. His backpack went right through the metal doors. Whoa!

“Or we could do it now.” Chase said, walking over to the control panel. “Quick, get in your capsule.”

“But I like being ridiculously strong.” Adam whined. “I’m like King Kong without the little lady in his hand.” He held out his hand in front of Chase. “Go ahead, Chase. Jump in.

My boyfriend shook his head. “Go.” He pointed to Adam’s capsule.

“Fine.” Adam conceded, stepping into his capsule.

“Alright, let’s see,” Chase mumbled. “Adam size parameters. Six-one, hundred and seventy-five pounds.” He started typing.

“Make it a hundred and eighty.” Adam patted his stomach. “Had a big breakfast.”

Since your strength is intensified, I’m going to dial it back from an eight to a six.” Chase explained before changing his strength on the control panel.

“Hold on, you can just adjust my strength?” Adam asked from behind the glass. Chase nodded. “Well, don’t dial me down, make me a ten!”

“No way.” Chase denied. “That would be like giving a stick of dynamites to a…well, you.” He pressed a few more buttons on the control panel and I watched as Adam’s capsule started flashing and glowing.

“There. Done. Now hurry. We’re going to be late for school.” Chase said, grabbing my hand. We both ran out.

“Uh, yeah, I’ll be right there! I just have to not do something for a minute!” I heard Adam shout. What was he up to?

“You know? I’m totally fine with being late to school.” I told Chase as we continued to run.

He scoffed. “I’m not.”


The school’s breakfast sucked, so I didn’t understand why Chase wanted to eat it. Adam and Chase held trays of food as we walked to a table, while I decided to not eat. Chase pulled out a chair and groaned. “Man, why do I always get the wobbly chair?”

Not What It Seems (Chase Davenport/Lab Rats Story)Where stories live. Discover now