Chapter 1

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{Chris's POV} 

I was taking a late-night stroll through the cemetery to help clear my head I snuck into the cemetery I decided to visit my grandfather's grave while I was here as I was walking to my grandfather's grave. I spotted a young woman sitting on a stone bench I noticed she had a suitcase and duffel bag with her she looked a little cold I walked towards her to see if she was okay, she turned and looked at me she was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes she has pale skin and raven black hair she looks as if she's been crying, I sit beside her on the bench and hand her a tissue. 

"Thank you." the young woman said taking the tissue. 

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned. 

"I walked out on my boyfriend because he didn't respect me so I snuck into the cemetery where no one can hurt me." 

"I won't hurt you and I'm sorry that you and your boyfriend broke up." 

"I tried to seek help from a church not far from here but no one helped me so I snuck into a cemetery." She replied. 

"Do you have anywhere to go?" I asked. 

"No, I have nowhere to go." 

"You're more than welcome to come with me you look like you could use a hot shower and a hot meal." 

"I'll go with you and not because I know who you are and that I'm a fan of MIW my name is Megara Bellini." She said. 

Megara and I grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag we climbed over the cemetery wall I led her to my car, I opened the backseat door and put her duffel bag and suitcase into the backseat I closed the door and climbed behind the wheel. I put the key in the ignition and started the engine I turned the heat up and drove away I glanced over at Megara she was looking out the window I felt bad for her because she left her boyfriend because he didn't respect her Megara fits the lyric from my song WASP and I think I might have just been stung from the Wasp. When we arrived at my house I parked in the driveway and killed the engine I took the key out of the ignition Megara and I climbed out of the car and grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag out of the backseat. Megara and I walked up the porch steps I opened the storm door and unlocked the inside door we walked inside the house I locked the storm door and locked the inside door I turned on the security alarm. 

"Megara, you're more than welcome to share my room or you can sleep in the guest room it's up to you." 

"I would like the guest room." 

I led Megara upstairs and showed her to the guest room and pointed to the bathroom that was attached to the guest room I left the room so she could settle I walked downstairs and hung up my jacket I walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot I threw a pizza into the oven. I grabbed two plates out of the cupboard and sat them on the counter Megara came into the kitchen and sat down at the table. 

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" I asked. 

"Yes please." Megara said. 

I made myself and Megara a cup of coffee I sat her mug on the table I took the pizza out of the oven and sat it on the counter I cut up the pizza I sat mine and Megara's plate on the table and joined her at the table. 

"Megara are you okay?" 

"I'm fine just thinking." 

"If you don't mind me asking how long were you and your boyfriend together?" I asked curiously.  

"We were together eight months I wanted to go on dates with my boyfriend and all he seemed to want to do was have sex don't get me wrong I like having sex as well as the next person but I want more but he didn't seem to want that and my boyfriend seemed to only want me when he wanted to have sex, I got tired of it and I left him because I deserve better than that." Megara explained. 

"You've never been on a date?" 


After dinner I washed up the dishes and put them away, I left the kitchen and walked into the living room I sat down on the couch and watched TV, I was watching reruns of The Office, I was starting to get tired I turned off the TV and lamp. I walked upstairs to my room and walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I left my room and walked down the hall to the guest room and checked on Megara she was asleep I walked back up the hall to my room and went to bed. 

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