Chapter 15

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{Chris's POV} 

When I woke up, I got up out of bed and walked downstairs I walked into my dad's kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee I joined my dad at the table. 

"Dad thanks for letting me stay the night I didn't feel like staying home alone." 

"You're more than welcome," 

"I feel really bad about what happened between Megara and me I didn't mean to hurt her I don't think she'll ever give me another chance or forgive me." I said. 

"I haven't seen you look this tired since the day after your first performance when Motionless In White was first starting out." my dad teased. 

"I didn't get much sleep last night because I was up half the night missing Megara. Dad how do I get her back?" 

"Apologize to Megara and mean it you're going to have to win her heart all over again when you apologize to her mean every word that you say to her." 

When I was finished drinking my coffee, I washed up my mug and left the kitchen I walked back upstairs to my guest room and got dressed I put on a Korn t-shirt, black jeans, and black Vans, I walked into the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I made the bed and packed up my overnight bag I left the room and walked downstairs I sat my overnight bag on the floor and put on my leather jacket I hugged my dad good-bye and grabbed my overnight bag I left the house. I walked down to my car, I opened the backseat door I sat my overnight bag on the floor I closed the backseat door and climbed behind the wheel I put the key in the ignition and started the engine and drove away. When I arrived at Ryan Ashley's house I parked across the street and killed the engine I climbed out of the car, I walked across the street and walked up the porch steps I knocked on the door Ryan Ashley opened the door she stepped to the side I walked inside the house. 

"I had a feeling you were going to finally come to your scenes." Ryan Ashley said. 

"I messed up big time and I'm here to make things right with Megara. Is she still sleeping?" I asked. 

"Yeah, she's still asleep your more than welcome to wait and have breakfast." 

I took off my leather jacket and hung it up I followed Ryan Ashley into the kitchen I sat down at the table she sat a cup of coffee in front of me. 

"Do you think Megara hates me?" I asked nervously. 

"I don't think she hates you I know she loves you very much Megara was willing to walk away from you and find someone that wants the same things as her." Ryan Ashley explained.

A few minutes later Megara came into the kitchen she looked at me and started crying I got up from the table I walked over to Megara I wrapped my arms around her she laid her head on my chest I kissed her head. 

"Chris why don't you and Megara talk in the living room." 

Megara pulled back in my arms I wiped away her tears we left the kitchen Megara and I walked into the living room we sat down on the couch. 

"Megara, I am really sorry about what happened I never meant to hurt you I love and care about you very much and I don't want to lose you, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me I'm such a fucking screw up. Can you please me give me another chance?" I begged. 

"How do I really know you mean what you say and you're not just telling me what I want to hear?" Megara asked skeptically. 

"My father told me that when I apologize to you that I have to mean every word that I say and he told me that I have to win your heart all over again I am willing to win your heart all over again and I'm not telling you what you want to hear. I really fucked up with you and I am really sorry for what I said I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about you and missing you I wanted to talk to you so bad but I didn't because I wanted you to calm down first I am willing to make your dreams come true by marrying you and starting a family with you if you please give me another chance because I love and care about you very much and I don't want to lose you." 

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