Chapter 27

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{Chris's POV} 

I am driving home from the airport with my brothers following behind in their vehicles I stopped at a red light and glanced over at Meg, she's starting to nod off. 

"When we get home, we can go back to sleep." 

"Sounds good to me." 

I leaned over and kissed her cheek when the light turned green, I drove away when we arrived home I turned left on to the street and parked in front of the house. I killed the engine Meg and I climbed out of the car we grabbed our bags out of the trunk. We walked up to the house Meg opened the storm door I unlocked the inside door and opened the door we walked inside the house.  

"Baby, head on upstairs I'll be up as soon as my brothers come into the house." I said. 

Meg walked upstairs a few seconds later Ricky, Justin, Ryan, and Vinny came into the house I closed the front door and locked it. 

"Guys make yourselves at home in the living room," 

"Where's Meg?" 

"I sent her upstairs to go back to sleep." I replied. 

"I think Meg had too much fun with us on tour." Ryan teased. 

The guys headed for the living room I headed towards the stairs and walked upstairs I walked into mine and Meg's room I sat my bags down and removed my sweat jacket. I look over at the bed Meg is sound asleep on top of the bed I kicked off my Vans and removed my jeans I grabbed my Philadelphia Flyers throw blanket and laid down beside her I covered us up. Meg curled up beside me I wrapped my arm around her, she laid her head on my chest I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up Meg was starting to stir, she lifted her head from my chest and kissed me I playfully nipped her bottom lip. 

"Are you hungry?" 

"A little," 

"Let's go downstairs and have breakfast." I said. 

Meg and I climbed off the bed we put our jeans and shoes back on I followed her out of the bedroom we walked downstairs I headed for the living room I peeked into the living room Vinny, Justin, Ryan, and Ricky were still sound asleep on their sleeping bags. I left the living room and walked into the kitchen Meg was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal I made myself a bowl of cereal and joined her at the table. 

"What would you like to do today?" 

"I would like to spend the day relaxing with you." 

After breakfast Meg and I were sitting at the kitchen table she was downloading the photos from the tour to her laptop. 

"Baby would you like some coffee?" I asked. 

"Yes please." Meg smiled. 

I got up from the table and turned on the coffee pot I sat back down at the table Meg reached over and held my hand. 

"Can we see the photos?" 

"Yeah, there almost done downloading then you and the guys can see the photos." 

Justin, Ricky, Ryan, and Vinny walked into the kitchen they each made themselves a bowl of cereal and joined Meg and I at the table. When the coffee was ready, I got up from the table and poured myself and Meg a cup of coffee. I sat our mugs on the table and returned the coffee creamer to the fridge. 

"Guys help yourselves to some coffee." I said, sitting down at the table. 

"Actually, after we finish eating, we're going to head home so you and Meg can have time to relax alone." Ryan replied. 

When Meg was finished downloading the photos to her laptop, she showed us the photos that she took while on tour with us. 

"If you guys want before you leave select the photos that you want to autograph and sell." 

"How many photos are we aloud to select?" 

"As many as you want, I'll print out more than one copy of each photo and for each photo sold I will split the money with you because it wouldn't be fair to keep all the money from each photo sold." Meg stated, clicking through each photo. 

"Meg after we all sign the photos, we will post on our social medias about the photos that you took and where fans can buy the photos." Vinny said.

The guys and I showed Meg our favorite photos she rose from the table and picked up her laptop Meg left the kitchen. 

"You guys should stay the night because I know you are all still tired from being out on the road." 

"Do you think Meg will mind us staying the night?" 

I left the kitchen I walked down the hall and walked into my office Meg is sitting on the carpet printing out the photos that the guys and I picked out. 

"Baby do you mind if Ricky, Ryan, Vinny, and Justin stay the night?" I asked, sitting down on the black leather couch. 

"Of course, not I don't mind if the guys stay the night besides, I need you and your brothers help." Meg said, putting the photos in a neat stack. 

"What do you need our help with?" 

"I need help creating a website to sell the photos at." 

Justin, Ryan, Vinny, and Ricky came into my office while Meg was printing out the photos the guys and I created a website for Meg to sell the photos on. 

"Baby, your website is up and running." I said. 

"Thanks guys and if you're up to it you and the guys can sign the photos." Meg replied. 

Meg climbed to her feet and handed the guys and I each a stack of photos I grabbed Sharpie markers Vinny, Justin, Ryan, Ricky, and I left my office we walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. We spent the day signing the photos and helping Meg with her website. Later on, that night we were all hanging out in the living room watching American Dad on Adult Swim, Meg curled up beside me I wrapped my arm around her she laid her head on my chest. 

"Babe, I'm going up to bed." 

"I'll be up in a little bit," 

Meg sat up on the couch she kissed me good-night and left the living room Ricky, Vinny, Justin, Ryan, and I continued to hang out. 

"Chris is Meg okay she seems a little distant." Ricky said. 

"I noticed that as well I figured she would have told me what's wrong or on her mind." I replied. 

I got up off the couch and left the living room I walked upstairs I walked into mine and Meg's room. I softly shut the door behind me I crawled into bed I snuggled up behind Meg, I draped my arm across her. 



"Are you asleep?" Meg asked. 

"No, I'm not asleep I'm just laying here snuggling with you." I said.

Meg rolled over facing me we were gazing at each other in the darkness I brushed the back of my fingers against her cheek. 

"I've been keeping something from you I promise it's nothing bad but I never told you that I find it really hot when a guy calls himself daddy during sex. I never told anyone not even my ex-boyfriend you're the first person that I ever told this to I wanted to tell you this sometime ago but I chickened out because I was afraid you would judge me." 

"Baby, I'm not going to judge you I promise. Is that something you would like me to call myself during sex?" 

"Not really because I don't want to be a part of a daddy kink." 

"There's nothing wrong with not having a kink I still love you no matter what." 

I leaned in and kissed Meg, she rolled back over on her right side I snuggled back up behind her and draped my arm across her, I drifted off to sleep. 

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