Chapter 7

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{Chris's POV} 

When I woke up, I looked over at Megara she was fast asleep I snuggled up beside her and kissed her forehead I draped my arm across her she was starting to wake up. 

"How did I end up in bed?" 

"I carried you up to bed last night you fell asleep while we were watching TV." 

"I enjoyed our first date last night I can't wait to go on more dates with you." Megara said. 

"I had fun as well I can't wait to take you on more dates." I replied. 

Megara and I climbed out of bed I got dressed I put a Misfits t-shirt, black jeans, and Vans; I walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I turned on the coffee pot Megara came into the kitchen with her laptop case and camera bag she laid them on the table I sat down at the table. 

"Would you like to see the photos of nature that I take?" 

"I would love too." 

Megara set up her laptop and showed me all the nature photos that she takes her photos are amazing she has a natural talent. 

"What do you think of the photos?" Megara asked. 

"They are amazing. Do you visit other countries and take photos of nature?" I said. 

"When I first started I did but I prefer to take photos of nature here in the states my ex thought it was a stupid job but my so-called stupid job helped pay the bills." 

"I don't think your job is stupid." 

I got up from the table and made the coffee I handed Megara her cup of coffee we sat our mugs down on the table and grabbed a bowl of cereal. 

"Babe would you get pissed off at a girl if she told you that she would like to get married and have kids one day?" Megara asked nervously. 

"I wouldn't get pissed off at a girl if they told me that I would tell her that I don't believe in marriage I believe in a long-term relationship and I don't want kids. Why do you ask?" I stated. 

"No reason." 

After breakfast I was sitting in my office playing guitar when Megara came into the room, I stopped playing guitar I noticed she had her camera bag with her. 

"I'm going out for a little while and take photos of nature." She said. 

"You can take my car if you want." I replied. 

"I'll be fine." 

Megara left my office I heard her leave the house I put my guitar back and grabbed my phone I sent a text to Ricky and Ryan a few seconds later I got a reply from them I was playing on my phone when I heard Ricky knocking at the door. I left my office and answered the door Ricky and Ryan came into the house we walked into the living room and sat down. 

"We know there's a girl in your life so you might as well tell us." Ryan said. 

"Her name is Megara Bellini, I met her when I snuck into the cemetery, she left her boyfriend and I offered her a place to stay we kind of fell in love with each other I took her out on a first date last night and I think I might have fucked up my relationship with her." I explained. 

"What do you mean you might have fucked up your relationship with Megara?" 

"Megara asked me if I would get pissed off if a girl told me that she would like to get married and have kids one day I said no I wouldn't get pissed off at her I would tell her that I don't believe in marriage that I believe in a long-term relationship and that I don't want kids." 

"Chris, you idiot Megara was talking about herself when she asked you that and you just told your girlfriend no to something that she was hoping to have one day." Ricky said shaking his head disapprovingly.

"What am I going to do?" I asked. 

"You could grant her wishes or let Megara go and let her find a guy that wants the same things as her." Ryan stated.

Ricky and Ryan looked at me and shook their heads disapprovingly I knew what they said was true. 

"I really don't want to lose her." 

"Where is Megara?" 

"She went out to take photos of nature." I said. 

"When Megara comes home make her feel special do something nice for her like cook dinner for her." Ricky suggested. 

"I doubt she'll talk to me when she comes home since I just set fire to her dreams." 

"Let her calm down and then talk to her." 

After Ryan and Ricky left, I was sitting on the couch watching TV a few minutes later I heard Megara come into the house she came into the living room didn't say two words too me she grabbed her book and left the living room. I decided to take Ricky's advice and cook a nice dinner for Megara, I walked into the kitchen and decided to make spaghetti for dinner I set the table and decided to light two candles. When dinner was ready, I left the kitchen and walked upstairs I knocked on the guest room door. 

"Megara dinner is ready." I said. 

"I'll be down in a minute." Megara replied. 

I walked back downstairs I walked into the kitchen and dished up dinner I sat our plates on the table I turned off the kitchen light I made mine and Megara's coffee I sat our mugs on the table I heard Megara coming down the stairs she came into the kitchen and looked at me with a surprised look on her face. 

"What's all this?" 

"I wanted to show you how sorry I am for upsetting you when I said that I don't want to get married or have kids because I can tell when I said that it upset you and I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings and I would like to make your dreams come true." 

Megara walked over to me and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close Megara looked at me and smiled I kissed her and smiled against her lips Megara laid her head on my chest. 

"I don't want to lose you." I confessed. 

"I don't want to lose you either." Megara stated. 

Megara and I sat down at the table she kept blushing every time our eyes would meet, I was playing with her foot under the table. 

"How did your photos of nature turn out?" 

"I took some good photos I found a pond and took photos of a mother duck and her babies I also took some photos of some Canadian Geese." 

After dinner Megara and I washed the dishes together she washed while I dried the dishes and put them away, we made ourselves another cup of coffee and left the kitchen Megara and I walked into the living room. We sat down on the couch and watched TV and drank our coffee Megara laid her head on my shoulder I kissed her head when we were finished our coffees, I took mine and Megara's mugs out into the kitchen and washed them up I sat our mugs on the drain board. I left the kitchen and walked upstairs I walked into mine and Megara's room and walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I walked back downstairs I walked into the living room and sat down in the recliner I was watching Family Guy. I was starting to get tired I turned off the TV and turned off the lamp I left the living room and walked upstairs I walked into mine and Megara's room she was sound asleep with her book laying on her chest I walked over to the bed and gently took the book off her chest without waking her. I laid the book on Megara's bedside table and turned off the lamp I climbed into bed and fell asleep.  

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