Chapter 16

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11th October 2009

It was the weekend and time moved very slowly. It dragged on minute by minute... Ming said that he would come and tutor me, Physics was his favorite subject and I hated it the most. I hated it from the time I started to study because I hated the teacher who taught it. So I didn't learn it with passion but I managed to pass.

He said that he would come around four in the afternoon and it was only two and there were still two more hours to go. How was I going to spend it?

I just looked towards the entrance of my house every five minutes waiting for his arrival. I put on the dress in pink which was his favorite colour. I hated the color but anyway I started to like it because he liked it. I would have looked at the mirror for more than ten times to make sure I looked alright.

It was 4 O'clock. He didn't come home yet. He was always to be punctual. As the time passed my heart started to beat fast because he could be here at any moment. I never took my eyes off the entrance. I had strange feelings of excitement, because he was going to come to my house for the first time.

I could not take it anymore. I wanted to relax but I knew that counting to hundred or concentrating on my breathing was not going to help because I was far too gone and so I decided to watch TV. I switched on the TV and flipped the channels but nothing interested me. How could it interest me when I was waiting for the person whom I loved the most?

I heard the sound of his bike and ran to entrance of my house. There he was, looking more handsome than usual. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt which suited him perfectly. I felt that the word handsome was simply not enough to express his looks. To put it simply, he was breathtaking and if I looked at him a little more, I would faint for sure.

I hated the subject which was going to be taught by him but the thought of him teaching me, set me aglow in. Concentrating on the subject when he was so near me was going to be difficult. I could never do it but I was forced to act as if I was not disturbed by his presence or his proximity because a little mistake would ruin everything. I am not ready for it. How could a person who was so breathe taking like him, ever exist in the world?

He was here in my room holding my book, my pen, at my study table. Oh my god! This has to be a dream. I pinched myself to see whether it was real, whether he was really in my room. I want to shout. I want to say I was in love with him, but hell I couldn't say anything to him.

"Are you going to stand there all evening," he asked me.

Only then I realised that I was staring at him senselessly.

"Ha Ha.... No Ming, I am just making sure we had every material we need," I said to him, knowing it was not true.

He looked into my eyes. The way he looked into my eyes made me feel as though t he was looking straight to my soul. If he continued to look at me that way, then I would pour out every feeling that I had for him.

"Hope we have everything we need," I said and joined him.

His teaching was very good. How could he teach like this? His teaching was better than any teacher that I know of. I could remember each and every word that he taught. He asked me to write the derivation that he had taught so that I wouldn't forget it and I could refer to it later when I wanted to.

I took my notebook and start to write it. I could feel that he was staring at me.

"What are you looking at? Did I make mistake?" I asked him, confused because I was pretty sure that I hadn't made a mistake.

"No, just looking at the way you hold the pen when you write," he said.

"What is new in it? Everyone holds it in the way I do," I told him.

High school diary of Kit (Ming kit version Completed)Where stories live. Discover now