Episode Two: Splat Roller

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. MIKADO is waiting outside the clothing store. ZAKI steps out wearing a purple visor, a red T-shirt, and neon green sneakers.)

Zaki-Check out my fresh!






Mikado-You are looking quite fresh. I'm not sure whether I would have put those colors together, though.

Zaki-Well, that's just my taste, and...

(She looks down an alleyway and sees SPYKE looking back at her.)

Zaki-Could you excuse me for a second?

(She walks down the alleyway.)

Spyke-S'appening, mate? You a cop? No, you can't be. Your gear is too fresh. You know what would be even more fresh? Someone else's gear. That's where ol' Spyke comes in.

Zaki-Where are you going with this?

Spyke-You see a bloke walking across the plaza wearin' something you fancy...

(He hands her a slip of paper.)

Spyke-Just take a picture of it and send it to this number, and I'll procure it for you.


(She walks out of the alleyway holding her phone and the paper. MIKADO is waiting for her.)

Mikado-What were you doing in there?

Zaki-Oh, nothing.

(Someone walks by wearing a white tank top. ZAKI snaps a picture of it.)

Mikado-There was someone down there. You were talking to them. Who was it?


Mikado-I just don't want you getting involved in anything dangerous.

(CAP'N CUTTLEFISH pops out of one of the manhole covers for a few seconds before disappearing.)

Zaki-What was that?

(She walks over to it.)

Mikado-Not again.

(She follows her. They look down at the grate.)

Zaki-What do you think is down there?

Mikado-Do you think it's dangerous?

Zaki-You don't know until you look.

Mikado-Well, you do that. I'm going to Inkopolis Tower where it's relatively safe.

Zaki-Okay, I will.

(She dives into the grate. Opening theme. She comes back up in Octo Valley far away. She's lying face-down on the ground. She groans as she gets onto her feet. She looks up. The first thing she sees is CAP'N CUTTLEFISH standing next to a bulletin board covered in pictures and notes.)

Cap'n Cuttlefish-Th-th-the...Oc-Oc-Oct...The Octarians are coming! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(He sees ZAKI there, utterly confused and kind of worried.)


Cuttlefish-Oh, uh, hi...Guess I lost my cool for a minute there. I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish, leader of the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon! That look in your eye...It's the look I've been lookin' for! The Great Zapfish that powers Inkopolis has been squidnapped! Nobody believes me, but it's the work of the Octarians. I just know it! They want revenge for the Great Turf War of 100 years ago! I've been keepin' an eye on them this whole time, of course, but they stole the Great Zapfish right out from under my nose! Please! You gotta help me rescue the Great Zapfish!

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