Episode Fourteen: Kelp Dome

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. A newscast comes on. Everyone looks at the jumbotron.)

Callie-Hold on to your tentacles...

Marie-It's Inkopolis News Time!

Callie-News flash! News flash!

Marie-What is it? What is it?

Callie-Due to the increasing amount of registered battlers actively playing, a new stage has just been opened!

(Everyone gasps.)

Marie-Oh, sweet...

(A picture of Kelp Dome appears on the screen.)

Callie-Now there'll be even more variety in the rotation!

Marie-It'll be nice to have a fresh new change of scenery.

Callie-Ah, good one, Marie! In honor of its grand opening, Kelp Dome will be open for both regular and ranked battle but for today only!

(People begin running toward Inkopolis Tower.)

Marie-If you want to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, head to Inkopolis Tower right now before the line gets too long!

Callie-Marie, the line is probably already too long.

(Their newscast fades into the background. ZAKI is standing with KEISO and BIITO.)

Zaki-Wow, an all-new stage!

Keiso-This is the first time since the current stages were opened two years ago that they've added another one to the rotation.

Biito-Then what are we waiting for? We gotta check it out right away!

Keiso-Teruo, for one thing. She's still in the bathroom. And for the lines to die down. Do you really want to be waiting two hours for a three-minute battle?

Biito-I guess you're right.

(Opening theme. ZAKI, KEISO, and BIITO are sitting on a bench.)

Zaki-Where's Teruo? She should be back by now.

(KEISO's phone begins ringing. He answers it.)


Teruo-(voice-only) Keiso! Where the heck are you?

Keiso-Well, where are you?

Teruo-At Inkopolis Tower. Why is there such a huge mob?

(The three of them look at each other. They run towards the Tower. Cut to inside Inkopolis Tower. It is an absolute mob. TERUO can't be seen. ZAKI, KEISO, and BIITO walk in.)

Zaki-Oh, we'll never find Teruo in this!

Keiso-Allow me. (shouting) ROLLERS STINK!

(TERUO pushes through the crowd.)

Teruo-Whoever just said that is going to get rolled into-

(She sees KEISO.)

Teruo-Oh, it's you.

(She gives KEISO a quick hug.)

Teruo-You really do know how to get my attention. Do you have any idea why there are so many people here?

Biito-Well, a new stage did just open.

Teruo-It did? Did they, like, close a stage?

Zaki-Nope. It's all brand-new.

Biito-What, do you think people want to battle on the same five stages forever?

Teruo-In that case, let's get in on the action!

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