Episode Twenty-Four: Pinwheel Power Plant

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. ZAKI is looking longingly in the window of the weapons shop. BIITO leans against the window next to her with his arms crossed while TERUO stands on her other side.)

Biito-Zaki, why don't you just go in there?

Zaki-I did, and I was promptly turned away. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into getting all the way to level 14, and this is the congratulations I get?

Teruo-Why did he turn you away?

Zaki-I couldn't afford it.

Biito-That'll do it.

(He thinks for a moment.)

Biito-Couldn't afford what?

Zaki-The Rapid Blaster. It's basically a Blaster that's more rapid.

Biito-Didn't you give me your Blaster because you didn't like it? Why would get your hopes up over a slightly enhanced version?

Zaki-I didn't like the regular Blaster because the rate of fire was too slow. Since this is a Rapid Blaster, I thought I'd give it a chance.

Teruo-That's what you said about the 96 Gal before you drop-kicked that one as well.

Zaki-How about we just go? More battles means more money, and more money means I can get that Rapid Blaster.

(They begin heading for Inkopolis Tower. They're on the steps before ZAKI freezes.)


Zaki-You know how I always go to Octo Valley in the afternoon before I go home?

Teruo-No. You always kept it a secret.

Zaki-Well, today, I think I'll go now in the morning just so I can get it out of the way.

Biito-Okay, see you then...

(ZAKI runs for her grate and dives in. Opening theme. Play transformation sequence. She comes up in Octo Valley.)

Zaki-Good morning, team!

Callie-Zaki! You're here early.

Zaki-I thought I'd change it up a bit.

Marie-(quietly) Uh oh. She's changing it up a bit.

(ZAKI launches to kettle 26.)

Zaki-Whoops. Wrong way.

(She launches to kettle 24.)

Zaki-And there it is.

(She dives in. She comes up on a large square platform. Her ink color is lime green. Ahead is a long runway. On either side is a large spinning apparatus with four blades: two beams and two grates. We'll call these pinwheels. ZAKI runs out onto the runway.)

Callie-Those spinny things are making me nauseous...

Marie-Try to dash-jump over the beams.

Zaki-Don't tell me you're afraid of heights, too.


Zaki-I thought you said you learned to fear nothing in this job.

Marie-Nothing. Except for heights.

Zaki-You know what, I'm going to break the streak. Dash-jumping over the beams is for weenies. I'm taking the OP's way across.

(She hops onto one of the beams and begins riding on it. She puts her hands on her hips confidently.)

Zaki-I'm a big girl now!

(She looks down at the abyss beneath her. Her pupils shrink.)

Zaki-(whispering harshly) This was a mistake.

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