Episode Five: Classic Squiffer

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(Start at Port Mackerel. The team colors are purple and lime green. ZAKI and KEISO are both purple. TERUO is green.)

Zaki-What am I supposed to do again?

Keiso-Get to a high point and snipe people.

Zaki-Seems easy enough.

Keiso-And let your gun charge before firing it.

Zaki-Sheesh, 'kay.


(ZAKI runs into the fray, rapid-firing like she was before.)

Keiso-Are you not listening?! Let it charge and then shoot!

(ZAKI looks back at KEISO.)

Zaki-It's compulsive!

Keiso-A sniper isn't compulsive! A sniper uses their brain before their trigger finger!

(ZAKI sighs and runs off.)

Zaki-What am I supposed to do? Get to a high point?

(A green starts to approach. ZAKI swims out of the way. Another purple drops down from a ledge. The two get into a firefight. ZAKI aims at the green and shoots, splatting him.)

Zaki-Yes! Who needs high points?

(ZAKI swims away from the action.)

Zaki-(shouting to KEISO) Did you see what I did there?

Keiso-Nope, and I don't care. You need to be worrying about your own tentacles.

Zaki-Own tentacles. Got it.

(ZAKI hides behind a crate and sets her sights on another green. The moment she fires at him, he activates a Bubbler.)


(She fires again and swims back towards home base. She gets cornered and splatted by TERUO. She respawns next to KEISO.)

Keiso-You didn't get to high ground, did you?

Zaki-Well, how much high ground is there on this stage?

(She makes her way back into the action, making sure to let her gun charge before she shoots. She quickly makes her way back to home base, where TERUO splats KEISO.)

Zaki-KEISOOOOOOOOO! I will avenge youuuuuuuu!

(Opening theme. KEISO respawns.)

Keiso-Relax. I'm right here.

Zaki-I'm still avenging you.

(She swims behind a crate and to the other side, where she tries to cover up the green encroaching on home base. She shoots TERUO without splatting her. TERUO notices and rolls towards her. ZAKI swims away.)

Zaki-Quit harassing us!

(She tries hiding behind a crate, but another green starts shooting at her. She tries to line up her shot, but he splats her before she can fire. She respawns.)

Keiso-Why didn't you fire back?

Zaki-I thought you said I wasn't supposed to be compulsive!

Keiso-You're supposed to think before you shoot, but you also need to think fast so you can take them out before they get to you.

Zaki-Sniping is hard.

(She swims down a side alley. When she gets to the end, she starts firing randomly at the floor below.)

Zaki-Random fire, random fire. Isn't this what that one girl Keiso's always talking about did? What was her name again? Mad Sniper Maddie?

(She sees a green sniper below and tries to fire at him, but he runs off, out of the way of her shot.)

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