Episode Twelve: Ranked Battles-Part 2

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Zaki-(voice-only) Previously on SplaTOON!

(Montage of clips from the previous episode.)

Zaki-Wait a minute. I just hit Level 10! That means I can do ranked battles! See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!

Mikado-Zaki, wait! Don't go now! They'll eat you up alive!

Zaki-I don't know what we're doing.

Zaki-As you can see, I'm in a bit of a bind. Could you just splat me right now?

Zaki-It was just one little fall with 10 seconds on the clock. It's not like I was sprawled out on the floor crying because there was no way to escape the nightmare around me.

Biito-Zaki, this is serious, and this is coming from someone who is rarely serious. I think we need to stop this problem before you do end up sprawled out on the floor crying because there's no way to escape the nightmare around you.

Zaki-If I can't battle because of my wonky legs, I don't know where else to go.

Zaki-Nothing in life is free and everything has to be earned. Including victories.

Zaki-(voice-only) And now for Part 2!

(Opening theme. Start at Inkopolis Tower. ZAKI, MIKADO, KEISO, TERUO, and BIITO all enter.)

Mikado-Are you sure you want to have another ranked battle?

Zaki-Aw, look at you, being so concerned about me. It's like we really are married. Of course I'm sure! Have I ever not been sure about a battle?

Mikado-I guess you have a point. You know what, in case anything happens, I'll go in with you.


Mikado-I'm a Level 11. I'm totally eligible.

Biito-So you two aren't coming with us?


Zaki-You got a problem with that?

Biito-No. It's just that you're putting a damper on my plans to SMITE YOU!

(ZAKI shrugs, smirking.)

Zaki-I dunno what to say. Maybe you can smite me once I'm done. If I don't smite you first, that is.

Biito-Have fun, I guess.

(He, KEISO, and TERUO exit into the regular waiting plaza.)

Zaki-Well, enough of him. Mikado, time to earn that victory.

(Cut to Port Mackerel. Team colors are teal and orange. ZAKI is teal. MIKADO is orange.)

Zaki-Carp. Mikado's not on my team. This is going to be interesting.


(ZAKI goes down the ramp in the middle.)

Zaki-Okay, where are the zones?

(She rolls her way to the center. She passes the first zone, which is already teal. She sees an orange sniper and lunges out of the way. She gets splatted from the side by MIKADO. She respawns.)

Zaki-Don't worry, don't worry.

(She launches back to the teal zone. She sees it's all covered and moves on. What she doesn't see is the seeker headed straight for her, even when it splats her. She respawns.)

Zaki-What was that?!

(She launches to the teal zone again and is immediately splatted by the orange sniper. She respawns.)

Zaki-Okay, so don't go that way.

(She goes that way. The teal zone has a big splotch of orange on it. MIKADO also has her Inkzooka out, something ZAKI doesn't know until she gets splatted right in the face. She respawns.)

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