Episode Twenty-Three: Bluefin Depot

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(Start in ZAKI and MIKADO's apartment. MIKADO, KEISO, TERUO, and BIITO sit on the bed while ZAKI stands in front of them.)

Teruo-Tell me again why you invited us all here.

Zaki-'Cause I have something very important to tell you all.

Teruo-Why couldn't we have done this in Inkopolis Square?

Zaki-I don't want anyone eavesdropping.

Teruo-Ooh, so it's like a secret!

Keiso-Just let her talk, okay?


(She takes a deep breath.)

Zaki-To make a really long story short, I'm a secret agent.


(TERUO bursts out laughing.)

Teruo-Good one, Zaki!

Biito-She's telling the truth! Every day when she jumps in that grate, she's going to this huge, like, valley with these kettle-shaped things with monsters in them. I saw it myself.

Teruo-Oh...that actually makes a lot of sense.

Mikado-But just what have you been doing in this...kettle, valley, grate thing?

Zaki-That's what I wanted to talk to you about. The Squidbeak Splatoon's current mission is-

Teruo-Excuse me what?

Zaki-The Squidbeak Splatoon. That's the name of our squad. You got a problem with that?

Teruo-No. Continue.

Zaki-As I was saying, the Squidbeak Splatoon's current mission is rescuing the Great Zapfish.

Mikado-(amazed) The Great Zapfish?

Zaki-You heard me. If we don't recover it soon, the entire city will lose power. Like, return to the Dark Ages kind of stuff.

(The others just sort of look at her.)

Zaki-And there'll be no more ink battles.

Keiso-No ink battles? We've got to stop these fiends!

Zaki-And that's what I was going to get to. To rescue the Great Zapfish, we need to defeat one final boss, and my squadmates are warning me that I can't do it alone.

Mikado-You have squadmates?


Biito-And you'll never believe who they are!

Zaki-I'm not opening my mouth about that. Not around Keiso.

(She gives KEISO the hairy eyeball. KEISO turns pale.)

Zaki-Those fishfaces never help me with anything. That's why I need you to become temporary agents of the Squidbeak Splatoon and help me beat the final boss and save the city.

Biito-Of course we'll do it.

Zaki-That was easier than I thought.

Mikado-Zaki, we're your friends. We're going to help you through thick and thin.

Keiso-And the fate of the city is at stake.

Teruo-When do we start?

Zaki-You start...oh, squid. How many kettles are left? Well, let's just say you start this week!

Biito-Zaki, you are the most determined yet flaky person I know.

(Opening theme. Cut to Inkopolis Square. There is a newscast going on. Everyone is watching.)

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