Episode Six: The Kraken!

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(Start in the waiting plaza. ZAKI, TERUO, KEISO, and MIKADO are waiting for the next battle. ZAKI is leaning on her roller. TERUO's expression is quite sour.)

Teruo-You shouldn't be leaning on your roller like that.

Zaki-Why not?

(Her roller rolls right out from under her.)

Zaki-Oh. Why do you have your tentacles in a twist, anyway? You were just fine a moment ago.

Teruo-It's Keiso.

(She looks over at KEISO.)

Teruo-I still haven't bought his whole "target practice" story with Mikado.

Zaki-Maybe the battle will clear your head.

Kari-Battle time!

Zaki-How convenient.

(Opening theme. Cut to Port Mackerel. The team colors are lime green and blue. ZAKI and KEISO are green. TERUO and MIKADO are blue.)

Keiso-Ready to roll?

Zaki-Good one, Keiso.

Keiso-I can make a joke, can't I?


(ZAKI starts by inking behind home base before heading for the right side alley.)

Zaki-We got this. Here we go.

(She makes sure to get every bit of the alley before dropping to the central floor. She tries to get up close and personal with AYASAN, a blue with a 52 Gal, but the other kid splats her. She respawns.)

Zaki-Aw, man! I thought I would have got her!

Keiso-These things happen.

(ZAKI swims back into the action. TERUO sets up a Killer Wail not too far in front of her.)

Teruo-Keiso! This one's for you!

Keiso-Then why don't you come closer?

Zaki-I don't want to be involved in this.

(She backs into the corner made by two crates, her face inches away from the Wail's wake. When she thinks it's safe, she walks out. It's not safe. She respawns.)

Zaki-Well played.

(TERUO is headed straight for home base. KEISO snipes her in time.)

Keiso-You're welcome.

(ZAKI snickers and heads back out. That's when all the shots are fired. She dips under to keep from getting fired at, friendly or otherwise. She gets up and gets back to covering some turf near the center. She starts trying to cover up some blue, and gets revenge on AYASAN in the process.)


(She goes under and gets steamrolled by TERUO. She respawns.)

Zaki-Why did I do that?

(KEISO shrugs. ZAKI launches to blue territory. When she isn't looking, AYASAN gives her a back shot. She respawns. KEISO is mysteriously missing.)


(TERUO is back with a vengeance. ZAKI tries to splat her from the front, but TERUO rolls right past. ZAKI takes this chance to get her from behind.)

Zaki-Got that out of the way. Now, where's Sniper Boy?

(She runs back out. NOKARIN, a blue girl with an Aerospray MG, comes at her from behind a crate. They take each other out.)

Judd-One minute!

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