Episode Eleven: Ranked Battles-Part 1

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(Start at Inkopolis Square. ZAKI, MIKADO, and TERUO are emerging from the Battle Dojo. ZAKI collapses on the landing.)

Mikado-You okay?

Zaki-Totally. Just exhausted is all. That's the last time we do 2 on 1 in the Battle Dojo.

Teruo-Do you think the guys are done?

Zaki-They left.


Zaki-Biito said something about meeting the Squid Sisters.

(Cut to a ledge with a glass window. On the other side is a brightly colored room where CALLIE and MARIE are sitting and talking, though we can't hear their conversation. KEISO and BIITO are looking through the window.)

Biito-Callie! Callie, can you hear me? NOTICE ME SENPAI!

Keiso-No, senpai will not notice you.

Biito-That was harsh, man. Do you ever think for one second that Mad Sniper Marie might just look your way?

Keiso-I am a mere novice in the art of sharpshooting. My survivability record is but eight. I am unworthy to look in the eyes of a goddess like Mad Sniper Marie.

Biito-Wow. You sniper types are weird.

(Cut back to the Battle Dojo.)

Zaki-Aw, man. I should've gone with them.

Teruo-Now, c'mon, sillyhead! Get up off the ground! There are turf wars to be won!

Zaki-I'd love to. I...can't feel my legs.

Teruo-Wait, what?

Mikado-I've got this.

(She helps ZAKI onto her feet.)

Zaki-Thanks. You're the best friend a girl could ask for.

(MIKADO blushes.)

Mikado-You're welcome.

(Just then, a piece of paper falls out of ZAKI's pocket. TERUO picks it up. It's the blueprints from last episode.)

Teruo-What's this?

(ZAKI snatches it back.)

Zaki-It's something very important that I should probably deal with now before I forget. Mikado, to the weapons store!

(MIKADO carries ZAKI off. Opening theme. Cut to the weapons store. MIKADO enters, still carrying ZAKI.)

Zaki-You can put me down. I think I'm fine now.

(MIKADO puts ZAKI down and exits.)

Shelldon-Hello, hello! What kind of weapon are you in the market for?

(ZAKI hands him the blueprints.)

Zaki-Whatever I can get with these.

Shelldon-Are these some of my grandpappy's long-lost blueprints you have in your possession? Where did you find them?

Zaki-I have my ways.

Shelldon-With these blueprints and my slightly above-average intellect, I'll be able to expand my product line!

(He runs off into a back room. Mechanical whirring sounds are heard.)

Zaki-I feel like we've been through all this before. Like, word for word.

(SHELLDON comes back out with a weapon that looks like a Splat Charger.)

Shelldon-Weapon creation: successful! What I got here is the Kelp Splat Charger. I created it based on my grandpappy's blueprints. Cool seaweed design, right? Though if I'm honest, it's exactly the same as the Splat Charger in stats. But this set comes with the Sprinkler to ink hard-to-reach places while you hold a strategic position. And the Killer Wail will blow your opponents away. Use it to turn the tide of battle.

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