Episode Thirteen: Keep Rollin'!

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(Start at the hat shop. MIKADO and ZAKI are looking at the various headgear.)

Zaki-Thanks for treating me to this shopping spree, Mikado. It's been a while since I got myself any new gear.

Mikado-Whoa, nellie. I'm not treating you to anything. I just invited you along. If you want to buy anything, you'll have to pay for it yourself. You're still welcome, though.

(ZAKI takes a red beanie off the shelf and slips it onto her head. She looks at MIKADO.)

Zaki-How do I look?

Mikado-Very nice.


(She takes it off and puts it back on the shelf.)

Zaki-I won't get it, though. I don't want it falling off during battle.

Mikado-I understand completely. What you wear on the battlefield doesn't make you particularly better or worse, but some people want to look good while they battle, and that's completely okay.

Zaki-You're not one of those people? I mean, you look fabulous while you battle.

(MIKADO blushes.)

Mikado-Oh, come on, Zaki. I'm not that good-looking, am I?

Zaki-Yeah! You're effortlessly cute. Just take my word for it!

(She returns to perusing the shelf. She sees a pair of glasses.)

Zaki-Ooh, glasses!

(She takes the glasses off the shelf.)

Zaki-Whenever I see glasses, I just have to try them on. I don't need them, but they always make the world look totally trippy.

(She puts them on.)


Zaki-Nothing's different. Hey, shopkeeper! How much are these glasses that don't actually help me see?

(TERUO steps in and joins them.)

Teruo-Hey, girls!

Zaki-Hey, Terry. You here to join us on our shopping spree?

Teruo-Nope. I'm here to take you to your roller gal lesson!

Mikado-Roller gal lesson?

Zaki-Remember? Teruo said she was going to teach us how to be "true roller gals", whatever that means.

Teruo-What are we waiting for? Time's a-wastin'!

(She grabs them both by the wrist and drags them out of the store.)

Mikado-Wait! I don't remember agreeing to this!

(Opening theme. Cut to the waiting plaza. ZAKI, MIKADO, and TERUO are standing together. ZAKI is wearing her new glasses.)

Mikado-I understand why Zaki would want to become a "true roller gal". She's had a natural proclivity for rollers since the beginning. What I don't understand is why I'm getting roped into this.

Teruo-You said you wanted to get better with the Inkbrush. It's basically the poor squid's roller.

Mikado-Well, I-

(She thinks for a moment.)

Mikado-Actually, you have a point.

Kari-(voice-only) Battle time!

Mikado-We'll finish this conversation later.

(Cut to Arowana Mall. The team colors are teal and pink. ZAKI, MIKADO, and TERUO are all teal.)

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