Episode Twenty-Two: The Ravenous Octomaw!

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. MIKADO, KEISO, BIITO, and TERUO are sitting on/standing by a bench talking when ZAKI jumps out of her grate and runs up to them.)

Zaki-Hey, guys. How goes it?

Biito-There you are, Zaki! I was wondering where you went.

Zaki-Just had to take care of a few things.

Biito-What kind of things?

Zaki-Uh...(voice-only) Biito has been kind of getting on my case lately. You might not have seen it, but such things have happened as...

(Fade to ZAKI running to her grate. BIITO is following her.)

Biito-What's down there that's so urgent?

Zaki-Nothing you'd be interested in.

(She dives into the grate. Fade to BIITO snatching a set of blueprints from ZAKI's hands.)

Biito-Whoa! What are these?

(ZAKI snatches it back.)


(Fade to ZAKI pinning a note to her bulletin board in her room. BIITO is sitting on the bed.)

Biito-What kind of arts-and-crafts project is that?

(ZAKI looks at him with a panicked face. Then she throws it out the window. A few seconds later, we hear it crash.)

Zaki-Aw...I needed that.

(Return to the present.)

Zaki-Nothing. Oh, look! Teruo's back!

Teruo-Hi, Zaki.

Zaki-How was your family?

Teruo-Great. Crazy, as usual. We've finally decided to do one celebration for all the October birthdays!

Biito-Come on, guys. Let's go battle.

Mikado-You said it.

(She, BIITO, ZAKI, and KEISO head for the tower.)

Teruo-See you around.

Zaki-You too, Teruo.

(Opening theme. Cut to the waiting plaza. MIKADO, BIITO, KEISO, and ZAKI are waiting together. ZAKI has the Kraken roller.)

Mikado-I see you've got the Kraken roller again.

Zaki-Yep. I figured I'd go back to my roots for a while.

Mikado-Teruo certainly would be proud.

(ZAKI looks at her roller. Cut to Port Mackerel. CALLIE and MARIE are commentating.)

Callie-Welcome to Port Mackerel, where our next battle will be taking place.

Marie-Team colors are pink and yellow.

(ZAKI, BIITO, and MIKADO are yellow. KEISO is pink.)

Callie-There's my homegirl Zaki over on the yellow team.

Marie-Yep. I see her. You know, she's my homegirl, too.

Callie-(booth) You sure? She picked me for Splatfest.

Marie-(booth) Oh no she di-in't.



(ZAKI rolls down the left alley.)

Zaki-Whoo! It sure feels good to be using this again!

(She looks over at some crates in the middle.)

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