Episode Twenty-One: Copycat

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(Start in the weapons shop. ZAKI is talking with SHELLDON.)

Shelldon-Hello, hello! What kind of weapon are you in the market for?

Zaki-I'm a level 13. What does that get me?

Shelldon-You're looking very fresh! Yes, I think you have what it takes to wield my L-3 Nozzlenose. Go on, give it a try! Ah, now the Nozzlenose is a semi-automatic weapon. It fires three shots each time you pull the trigger. Its range and accuracy are great, but you can't keep firing by holding down the trigger, so timing is a must. This set includes disruptors and a Killer Wail as well. It's suited for those who like to fight efficiently.

Zaki-Semi-automatic, huh?

(Cut to the waiting plaza. MIKADO, KEISO, and BIITO are waiting when ZAKI enters with the Nozzlenose.)

Mikado-Hey. What did you do with your Aerospray?

Zaki-I decided to put it away and test out this little baby.

Mikado-You're giving the Nozzlenose a spin? I don't think you'd like it. It's not an automatic weapon.

Zaki-I know that.

Mikado-But I don't think your impatient self will want to pull the trigger over and over again.

Zaki-Impatient? I am not impatient! Say, when's the battle going to start? We've been waiting forever!

(MIKADO, KEISO, and BIITO glare at her.)


(She looks at the door. She sees HANAHANA, a girl holding a Nozzlenose, walk in. She looks like the girl from episode 19 who had said, "I don't think I've ever heard someone use "splat" as an insult before." They stare at each other for several seconds. Opening theme. Cut to Walleye Warehouse. CALLIE and MARIE are commentating.)

Callie-Welcome, folks, to Walleye Warehouse, where our next splatastic battle will be going down.

Marie-Team colors are lime green and purple.

(ZAKI, MIKADO, and BIITO are purple. KEISO and HANAHANA are green.)

Callie-Who should we be looking out for this time, Marie?

Marie-Well, Zaki has a Nozzlenose.

Callie-A Nozzlenose? This'll be interesting. That thing takes a lot of finger strength. I wonder if Zaki will be able to handle it.



(ZAKI opens fire and runs into the right side alley.)

Zaki-Do I really have to pull the trigger over and over again for three minutes? My finger's going to be so tired.

(She reloads and runs out to the middle. She sees green at the center. Her special finishes charging. A green bomb lands in front of her.)

Zaki-Oh, geez!

(She runs out of the way. She dips under for a few seconds. Then a green kid splats her. ZAKI respawns.)

Zaki-No no noooooo! Why couldn't he have waited until I was finished?

(She runs forward and keeps firing. The green kid keeps getting closer. She fires on it. Then she moves forward. Her special finishes charging.)

Zaki-Alright, no more waitin' around.

Callie-(booth) Uh, actually...

(The camera pans to HANAHANA standing on a higher ledge. ZAKI looks up at her. She blinks. HANAHANA is briefly replaced by a girl with a 52 Gal. ZAKI blinks again. HANAHANA is back. ZAKI deploys her Killer Wail and runs away. She gets splatted a few seconds later by HANAHANA's Killer Wail. HANAHANA snickers.)

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