Episode Fifteen: Undeniable Flying Object

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. ZAKI is running to the weapons store. MIKADO is trailing behind her.)

Mikado-Zaki, why are you in such a hurry?!

Zaki-I haven't made a weapon run like this in forever. I gotta see what I've qualified for!

Mikado-But you don't have to run this fast! Give me some time to catch up!

Zaki-I can't keep the others waiting, can I?

(Cut to the weapons store. ZAKI runs in. MIKADO follows her, out of breath.)

Shelldon-Hello, hello! What kind of weapon are you in the market for?

Zaki-What do you got?

Shelldon-You're looking fairly fresh. Yes, I think you have what it takes to wield my 52 Gal Deco!

(Flashback to ZAKI drop-kicking her 52 Gal.)

Zaki-Nope. What else do you have?

Shelldon-Oh...Well, in that case, I think you have what it takes to wield my Splattershot Pro. The Splattershot Pro was developed for more advanced users by the team behind the Splattershot. Unbalance your foes with Splat Bombs and Inkstrikes, and then hit them with superb range and accuracy! Its ink efficiency and fire rate aren't as good as the standard Splattershot's, hence the "pro."

Zaki-Wait a minute. You gave me this same spiel the other day except I couldn't afford it. Now that I can, I'll take it.

Mikado-Zaki, if you're going to be any longer, I'll just head to the tower now.

Zaki-Hold your seahorses, Mikado. I'll be just a minute.

(Opening theme. Cut to the waiting plaza. MIKADO, KEISO, TERUO, and BIITO are waiting when ZAKI enters with her new Splattershot Pro.)

Teruo-Ooh! Is that a new weapon?


Mikado-It's a Splattershot Pro.

Zaki-Now I won't have to steal Biito's Jet Squelcher whenever I want an Inkstrike.

Biito-I thought we agreed never to mention that.

Zaki-I was just making an observation.

Biito-Hey, guys! I've just come up with an awesome idea for a weapon!

Zaki-What is it?

Kari-(voice only) Battle time!

Biito-I guess it'll have to wait.

(Cut to Blackbelly Skatepark. The team colors are pink and yellow. ZAKI, BIITO, and TERUO are pink. MIKADO and KEISO are yellow.)

Zaki-So what was that new weapon you were talking about.

Biito-I'll tell you once the battle starts.



(He picks up ZAKI and throws her onto the battlefield. He runs off. ZAKI gets up.)


(She sighs, opens fire, and starts running along the left, but she constantly has to alternate between firing and reloading.)

Zaki-Ooh, this shoots pretty far.

(She sees yellow fire.)

Zaki-Oh, geez! Bad news! TURN AROUND!

(She turns the other way and tries to swim up a ledge, but there's a barrier blocking the top.)

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