Episode Seven: Jet Squelcher

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(Start in Inkopolis Square. ZAKI and MIKADO are walking to the weapons store. BIITO sneaks up behind them.)

Biito-Hey, guys.

Zaki-Biito! Where were you for all of yesterday?

Mikado-Taking an extra-long sabbatical?

Biito-Actually, I was helping Oyassan look at venues.

Mikado-For what?

Zaki-Oyassan's getting married.

Mikado-Oh, congratulations! Which one is Oyassan?

Biito-The oldest.

Zaki-It goes Oyassan, Izebi, Sejin, Biito, and then me.

Mikado-I'm never going to remember that.

Zaki-Neither do I. The wedding's in only a few weeks, and to be honest, I can't wait. I love weddings way too much. Oh, to walk down the aisle with a lovely woman in my arm-



Biito-Oyassan and I both live with his fiancee. Lasidy is quite a unique woman. She's an Octarian.

Zaki-Wait, she is?

(Opening theme. Cut to the weapons store. SHELLDON is telling ZAKI and BIITO about the Jet Squelcher.)

Shelldon-The Jet Squelcher has the top range of any rapid-fire weapon, approaching that of the charger weapons. It sacrifices attack power, though, so focus on hiding behind your Splat Wall and charging up the Inkstrike. It's best for fighters who know how to strike at the most opportune moment.

Biito-I want it.

Zaki-I thought you were all about attack power.

Biito-Two words, Zaki: Ink. Strike. You can't possibly get more attack power than that.

Zaki-Well, there's one eensy beensy problem: you're not a high enough level.

Biito-Wait. I need to be a certain level to buy weapons?

(ZAKI nods.)

Zaki-Sad but true. This particular weapon requires a level of 8 or higher, something which I have and you don't. Here's what I'm thinking: I'll buy this and test it out, and if I don't like it, you can have it. How does that sound?

(BIITO hugs ZAKI.)

Biito-Zaki, you're the best sister ever!

(Cut to the waiting plaza. KEISO, TERUO, and MIKADO are waiting on their platforms. ZAKI and BIITO enter. ZAKI has the Jet Squelcher.)

Teruo-Aw, I thought you had gone full-on roller.

Zaki-I'm just testing it out. I do love me a good roller, but maybe I'm a rapid-fire kind of gal, too. I'd rather focus my energy on more than one weapons class.

Mikado-Good choice, Zaki.

Biito-But if she fails, that Squelcher is mine, all mine.

(ZAKI smirks at BIITO.)

Zaki-We'll see.

(Cut to Walleye Warehouse. The team colors are orange and blue. ZAKI and BIITO are blue. KEISO, TERUO, and MIKADO are orange.)

Biito-Ready to squelch some jets?

Zaki-I don't think that's why it's called that.


(ZAKI moves out and starts firing. She looks to see just how far her shots are going.)

Zaki-Wow. That really is some range.

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