# 49 #

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I look at a guard with narrowed eyes as he crouches down to my height. "What is the name of your father?"

"Simon," I state, rocking from my heels to my tiptoes. "Simon Minter."

"Are you sure?" The guard questions, tilting his head.

"Both he and my mom told me."

"Could they have been lying to you, Fvendal?" Lying? Why would mom and dad lie to me?

"No, Sir, Mom never lies."

"What about your dad?"

"He's a business man."

"Would he lie to me?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Not unless you give him a reason."

"How old are you again?" The Guard questions, looking at me with confusion.


"You're very mature for a six-year-old, Fvendal."

"I know."
I sit alone in the waiting area, kicking my feet impatiently as I wait for another guard to walk in and ask me stupid questions. It feels like forever, and my arm hurts from the big needle they poked into it, but I know I haven't been in here for long. I can hear grownups talking quietly outside the door; I know they're talking about me.

A soft knock at the door makes me stop kicking my legs. A grownup girl guard with brown hair walks in the door, and a blonde grownup man follows her. They close the door behind them before looking at me with curiosity. "Hello there," the girl says with a smile. "Your name is Fvendal, right?" I nod. "My name is Zandra. Can my friend Solace and I ask you a few questions?"

"When am I going to go home?" I ask, pulling my knees close to my chest as the blonde grownup flashes me a strange look. "I miss my mom."

"It won't be long now," Zandra says with a smile. "Did your mom ever talk about royalty to you or your dad?"

I pause to think for a moment. "Only to say I would be in trouble if I didn't listen to them."

"What about to your dad?" Solace asks, tilting his head at me. He had a weird feeling to him; a feeling I don't like.

"She told him she was scared of the kings," I admit quietly, "but I don't think she knew I was awake."

"Did she ever say why she was scared of them?" Solace questions again, taking a step closer to me. I lean away from him, my heart beginning to move faster as the weird feeling gets stronger.

"I-I don't remember."

"And yet you remember the detail of your mother saying she was scared?"

"Solace," Zandra speaks up, placing a hand on Solace's shoulder. "You're scaring him."

"It's obvious that he's Seto's kid, Zandra! Just accept the fact that your boyfriend was a player and got another girl pregnant." Solace exclaims, taking a step away from me and throwing his hands into the air. Seto? Who's Seto?

"I already know that!" Zandra snaps at the man before turning her attention back to me. "Fvendal, do you know who your dad is?"

"Yes, his name is Simon."

"No, sweetie, who your real dad is?"

"My dad is my real dad."

Zandra gives me a sad look. "Fvendal, your real dad is Prince Seto."

"No, that's not true. My dad is Simon Minter."


"We ran a blood test on your son," a guard states, not bothering to knock on the door as he storms into the room with a clipboard in his hand. "Simon Minter, you aware your not the boy's biological father?" Obviously.

"What?" I furrow my brows in confusion. "I don't understand. How is he not my son?"

"The blood work proves that the boy is not a Minter." The Guard turns the clipboard to show me the results for a second before returning my view to the wooden back. "The boy is the biological child of the royal prince, Mister Minter. Were you aware of that?"


"Did your wife ever mention having an affair with the prince?"

"No! She's the most loyal woman I know!"

"Did she ever mention having intimate relations with another man?"

"Not that I'm aware of, no."

"Then how is this kid alive then?"

"That's what I would like to know to!" I yell, flashing a glare at the guard and mentally thanking my father for sending me to acting classes when I was younger.

The guard narrows his eyes at me. "Mister Minter, if you're lying about your knowledge of this boy's history, you will be sentenced to life in prison. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Why would I lie about what I know and don't know about my son?" I pretend to look at the ground in confusion. "Is he even my son anymore?"

The guard doesn't respond for a while, as if leaving me to my thoughts as I pretended to wrap my head around not being the kid's biological father. "I know this is difficult to take in, but I can show you the results once more if you would like."

"Please? I just need..." I force my voice to trail off before clearing my throat. "I just need to know this isn't some sort of joke." The guard nods and hands me the clipboard. I hold it with a shaky hand, looking over the strange words and numbers with intensive eyes. The bottom of the second page was what caught my attention.

Test of: Aceti-Minter, Fvendal J.
Age: 6

Test Comparison: Minter, Ta'dei Aceti
Results: 54% Similarity

Test Comparison: Minter, Simon
Results: 4% Similarity

Test comparison: Craft, Seto Gregory
Results: 42% Similarity

The numbers felt like a kick to the gut. Even when I knew he wasn't my child, just seeing the numbers drives the situation into reality. If these results were to be revealed to the public, my reputation, and my family's reputation will be destroyed. We'd have to travel to the Imperial controlled Island Nation to escape prosecution.

"Can I see him?" I ask, looking up from the paperwork. "My son?"

"He's being questioned by the Prince's guard at this time, but I'll let them know you wish to see him."

"Thank you."
Sorry for the late update!
I was busy dealing with some stuff.

Hope you understand!

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