Chapter 1

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 It had been awhile since I have seen Bart. He's been obsessed with his time machine. I have been working in the pits with all the kids around my age. I should explain that the pits contain dried tar, and our job is to take shovels and scrap and brake the tar to then carry them to the factories to turn it back to its liquid state. We always wonder what they do with it but are too scared to ask. Bart is supposed to work with us but he doesn't. He disappears when the guards aren't around. I usually do his share of work which usually means extra calluses and fainting spells. You see that with about half a cup a water a day and a quarter of a loaf of bread, you can't do twice the work on half the food. We had just been released from the pit and I ran to see Bart. I don't think he has eaten in a few days. I ran to his partially collapsing shed and ducked inside. "Bart?" I called out. It was silent for a second before I heard a faint, "Here." I walked around the messy shed that had trash and random tech pieces piled high. I walked around the piles of garbage to see a boy with red hair and bright green eyes. "Bart," I paused not knowing what to say, "How are you? I haven't seen you in awhile."

He gave me a weak smile. "I'm good! I'm so close to finishing the time machine! Soon I can change all of this and we can live together and be happy!" I giggled at this. "Who said that we were going to live together?"

"I ah, thought that, you know-" he was as red as a tomato. He turned his back to me to hide his face. I hugged his back, "I would love to live with you in the future." I kissed his cheek and tightened the hug. "But first, I need to fix the past." Bart declared. There goes the moment. I let go and sat on a short pile of garbage. "You really think it's going to work?" I asked leaning back suddenly tired. "Yeah. Why wouldn't it?" I shrugged and closed my eyes. "When will it be done? I want to spend some time with you before you leave." it was quiet for a second and I assumed he was just thinking. "About a week."

"Oh that's not that long." another pause. "Yah it's not." he replied. I stood up and stretched. Bart looked pale and shaky. "Bart are you okay? When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't remember."

"Bart!" I scolded taking out some bread I bought for him. "Why would you not eat? Usually you say you could eat a whole cow!" I sat him down and took and gave him the bread. He took small bites of bread. When he finished I smiled at him. "Bart let's get you home you need sleep."

"Look who's talking." he chuckled. I slapped his shoulder and walked him to the boy's home. The boy's home held boy's from the age of 13-17. After they turned 18 they were sent to work with the adults. Same was for the girls. For the children from infants to 12, they stayed in a home together obviously. After hugging him for the last time I walked to the home for girls. It was about 9:30 now and no one was aloud out after 11. I showered in the locker room with slightly brown water, it was cleaner that what we drank, and got ready for bed. I laid down on one of the rugs on the floor and fell asleep the moment my head hit the hard floor.

Hi guys! Thank you so much for clicking on this story(it's my first one) and I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! If you have any ideas for the story tell me and I'll see what I can do.  And BTW:

This is Becca. She has Carmel Hair blue eyes and all around badass.

FAV Person: Bart

Least FAV: Megan

FAV Food: Chocolate and or Carmel

FAV Food: Chocolate and or Carmel

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This is Bart. He has Brown Red Hair Green Eyes and loves the Beach.

 He has Brown Red Hair Green Eyes and loves the Beach

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FAV Person: Emily

Least FAV: No one he loves everyone

FAV Food: anything and everything

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