Chapter 29

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 I woke up in a dark room. I grunted sitting up preparing myself for the pain of my broken ribs and my leg but, there was none. I undid the rap on my leg and found it perfectly healed. Any other cuts or scratches I had were gone and I started to panic. How long was I asleep? I jumped out of bed and found some clothes and shoes on the table next to me. I quickly changed and ran out of the room. But where was I? It was some sort of house but I don't know whose. Did some random person find me and take me with them? I went down a flight of stairs and I noticed how clean and put together the house was. There were only pictures of landscapes on the wall nothing about the family or person that lived here it was quiet in the house which made me think they were at work. The time on the clock stated ten forty five so it was a good guess. I went to their kitchen pantry and took a few snacks for the road. I wrote a quick thank you to the people or person who took care of me. I quickly wrote it and gathered the things I was taking. I wanted to get home but it might be far away. I quietly left the house and found myself in London.

"What the heck?" it was as if a normal day gloomy and gray. I thought back on what happened but I didn't couldn't remember anything before waking up with everything going on around me. I went back inside and found a trench coat that fit me and that would help me blend in more. I left this time and walked into the sidewalk and navigated my way around the city. I eventually found what I was looking for. A telephone. I walked into the little hut thingy and dialed Grandfather's number after putting a coin in(that's how it works right?). There was no answer so I left a message.

"Hey I'm not dead and I'm in London. I'm not sure how long I've been out but I'm perfectly healed now, so if you don't mind picking me up I'll be around." I sighed and put another coin in, this time calling Bart. He didn't pick up either so I started to leave another message when suddenly there was a groggy "hello?"

"Bart! Thank God! Where are you guys? Why did you leave me? I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted.

"Who is this?"

"Becca you dope, you left me in London! I woke up in some person's house. You gotta come and pick me up!" there was silence on the other side for a minute.

"OMG! Becca! I'm coming give me ten minutes i'll be right there!" he hung up and now I was met with silence and an angry looking man waiting to use the phone. I glared back at him and left. I stayed close to that spot after realizing that I never told Bart where I was exactly. How could he leave me in the first place? Was I forgotten that easily? Grandfather, Dick, and Father wouldn't forget right? I got a few looks for people but there minded their own business. After an hour of waiting I found a bench a block away. I found a person already sitting there but I was too tired to find a different bench to sit at. I sat down and sighed. The person next to me sniffled and I found they were crying.

"Um you need a tissue?" I asked holding out one. Their head snapped up and I was tackled in a hug.

"Omg I couldn't find you anywhere!" Bart said sniffling.

"It's okay you found me now. Let's go ho-"

"No when we were fighting, I lost you through the battle and then you screamed. I saw you lying on the ground but I couldn't get to you," he started crying, "I thought I lost you." he was still hugging me so I patted his back and rubbed circles hoping he would calm down. He let go and wiped his tears. "Even Batman couldn't find you. Robin starting screaming and running around to find you. He nearly decapitated someone." he chuckled lightly and wiped away the last tear running down his face.

"Let's go home." I took up hand and I let him run us home.

Sorry for not posting for awhile. I've wanted to write this for awhile and I finally did. I think I figured out the end. There will be two different endings and I hope you'll enjoy it. thanks for reading, please comment and vote. Have a good day!

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