Chapter 6

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Meghan mind linked us all and I started the story of how the world went to crap. I made sure to pull of my most vivid memories of how awful and painful the future looked like.

"Alright, so where Bart and I come from in time, I estimate around 55 years from now, all the original Justice team members have passed away. Well except Wonder Woman who goes back up with the Gods claiming, "My time here on earth is done." Now their children or heirs, have taken over their hero mantels, and have kids by now who act as their sidekicks. Young Justice is  ongoing and Teen Titans is an on and off thing. The next generation then faced the hardest battle of their time. I can't give away much detail but, aliens were hiding underground, far below your detecters, and eventually emerged when heroes were at their weakest. They all fought till the end and chased the aliens back underground. We expected them to come back any day, but they didn't. They just disappeared, but along with the one thing you were supposed to protect. And no I can't tell you what or who it was in order not to mess up the timeline or change something that could erase important events. Anyway now the next generation heroes were growing old and retiring, so now the sidekicks were going to become part of the Justice League. The initiation for the League was during a gala thrown by someone I can't name. Again at this point heroes, their relations, their powers, and influence were weak and their relationship with the public was worse."

I was interrupted by Black Canary, "But this information could help us stop what's coming. Withholding it won't do anyone any good."

"You need to talk with Flash, he knows about timelines and what to know and do and stuff. He understands that somethings cannot be exposed otherwise a new timeline can be created. A timeline that could be worse than the current on ewe follow." Flash nodded and I continued the story.

"It was December 31st, 11:50pm. Everyone was dressed up in ball gown and tuxes, wandering around, dancing, and drinking. Then the man hosting the gala stepped on the stage and began to do his long, boring, run on, n-"

"Can you get to the point already?" Robin asked huffing.

"Yah yah yah. So he began his speech and then about half way through the torture, the ground split open and thousands of alien jumped out along with Black Beetle. They had waited till heroes were at their weakest to strike. They attacked everyone. Many heroes and sidekicks were killed, and everyone left alive with superpowers had collars put on to manipulate their powers or turn them off. Civilian adults and children were enslaved and sent to do hard labor and heroes were not heard of often or seen ever again. Since then the aliens took over earth. Nothing could stop then now. But maybe now we have a chance to stop them before time runs out."

I ended the mindlink. "Do you trust me now?" I asked. A mumbled yes rippled throughout the group. "So if Bart is the my grandkid, who's grandkid are you." Flash asked. "I assume that's how you know so much about...all of this." I had hoped that no one would bring this up. I never had a close relationship with anyone in my family, no matter how big it was.

"I can't say. But it's the crashest hero ever!" Bart super sped over to Blue Beetle and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "It's Batman."

"And spoilers." I groaned. Batman turned to me with his white lenses wide.

"Whoops." Bart laughed. "Cat's out of the bag."

"That makes more sense for earlier. You must have had some combat training from him." Robin said.

'Nightwing B01, Rocket B09, Lagon B011, Beast Boy B010.' The computer called out. With a sudden bright light, Nightwing and and the mini heroes stepped through. "Nightwing! Batman has a grandkid!" Bart yelled out.


And I'm back! Thank you for reading there will be more updates soon. Please comment and vote. Bye!

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