Chapter 26

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As soon as I got home I ran to the cave. "Some freaky stuff has been happening!" I yelled jumping down the last five stairs leading me to the cave. Bruce looked over at me along with the boys. "It's like the whole day has been fast forwarded. First I was in the cave watching the video clip at two am and then you guys were gone and it was seven when I looked over!" they gave me a weird look.

"This whole day has been normal to me." Jason said shaking his head. 

"Maybe this is a side effect from your encounter on the last mission?" Batman asked typing on his computer, shutting down whatever they were looking at.

"Yes, and the weird thing is that the time skipped whenever I either thought about it or said it. That doesn't make any sense does it?"

"No it does." Grandfather said. "Sit." he motioned to the big chair.


After an hour of Grandfather taking my blood and running tests on random stuff. It didn't take me long to release what Grandfather thought. "Do you think the Reach did this to me?" I asked taking the last needle out and hopping off the table. He didn't answer. Father was training with Dick while Tim was typing on a computer. Jason had left to go with his Outlaws group. I was watching them train until the computer beeped loudly and announced in a siri like voice, "Analysis complete metagene detected. Space manipulation, power of mimicry, fire manipulation." the computer finished. Father rushed to the computer but Tim beat him to it. Grandfather pushed them all aside and typed furiously.

"So," he said looking at me. "I guess we now have a superpower descendant in the life line."

"Well Dick's kid also has powers soo," I trailed off. Dick turned white.

"I'm gonna have a kid?"

"Yes Dick, you're gonna have a kid she's really pretty."
"She?" he nearly fainted.


Grandfather kept me in the cave for a whole week, trying to train me with my new found powers. Luckily I was able to make excuses for work and sneaking out with Bart. Bart was the first outsider to know my powers. It had been a rough day of training and I finally sat down for what felt like the first time today. I sprawled out on my bed just as my phone dinged. I lazily reached over and read the text.


Wanna go out tonight?

I wanted to sleep honestly but I sent him a 'sure'. I decided to call him instead of texting.

"Where you wanna go?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, but where something that can get dirty. Like maybe black." I had questions but went along with it.

"Are you gonna run us there?"
"Can't. You uncles installed some super speed detector thing."

"That sounds like them. So where are we gonna meet?"
"By the old orphanage."
"Please tell me that we are not kidnapping any kids." I huffed out. I walked over to my closet and rummaged through some clothes. All these were new and I felt bad for ruining them.

"No it's abandoned and most people don't go near it."
"That's the surprise." I pulled out black calf length leggings and a black shirt. I walked into the bathroom after saying goodbye to Bart and showered. I dressed and dried my hair, putting it up in a high ponytail. I put on a overly large black sweatshirt that said, 'I don't care' in small white letters in the top right corner. I slipped out my window and climbed down the the garage, which was only a story underneath me. I grabbed my bike and rode to where Bart told me to meet him. I used a cloaking device on it and found Bart on the other side of the building.

"Glad you could make it." he said pulling me into the building. It stank. Badly.

"What are you-" I was cut off by Bart. We walked into the kitchen and he had pulled up a loose board. There were stairs. I climbed down them and Bart followed. Suddenly, there was music and cheering. I walked into a room filled with other teens covered in glow sticks and glow in the dark paint. There was glow in the dark paint covering the walls and furniture, which was one small table, a bar like area, and dance floor.

"This is awsome!" I said to Bart. he lead me over to a guy who was painting a girls face with paint. She got up and left and I sat down in front of him. I didn't tell him anything, he just started to paint my face. When he was finished with my face I slipped off my hoodie and he painted designs on my arms too. The same happened with Bart. The guy had painted tiger stripes on me and lightning bolts on Bart, who had made a request. Soon we were both dancing and drinking non alcoholic sodas and stuff.


I had later learned that this was a random place that a group of kids found and renovated ten years ago. This was a normal place where teens came late at night for free drinks and music. I was so tired that Bart had to drive me home.

"Thanks again Bart." I yawned after we parked the car in the garage. I pulled him into a kiss and then walked into the house. There, the boys, including Alfred stood looking at me.

"Where have you been?"

Thank you for reading! sorry for not updating in a while and for a crappy chapter. Writers block am I right? Please comment and vote, thanks and bye!

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