Chapter 10

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We arrived back at the manor and just as Alfred promised there was cheesecake waiting for me. "No fair." Dick whined. "I want some."

"NO! This is mine." I snapped glaring at him. "If you touch it, heck if you even look at it I will kill you." he stared at me and whispered, "It's a tiny Bruce." I chuckled and finished eating the cheesecake. It was now midnight and I was crashed. "Dick? Where's my room?" I yawned.

"Oh yeah. It's upstairs, if you follow me I can show you." he lead me upstairs and to a room at the end of the hall. It was a large white room with a canopy bed in the middle and two dressers on each side with a matching gray lamp. A white fuzzy rug tickled the bottom of my feet as I walked across the room. On the right wall there was a gray bookshelf built into the wall, most books were on etiquette and stuff like that though.To the left was a door that lead to a bathroom that was almost entirely made of marble. "This is so crash! But extremely bland." Dick laughing and nodded. "My room was all gray before, uh, an accident."

"Oh you mean that one time when you filled water balloons with paint and threw them around everywhere?"

"Where did you hear that?" he asked cocking his head.

"My father told me. You and him were forced to share a room for a week for uh, well I can't tell you but it'll happen later." he cocked his head and shrugged. "Well goodnight Becca."

"Night Uncle." I walked back into my room and laid down, but as soon as I did, Tim came in and said, "Bart's on the phone he needs to talk yo you." he tiredly walked out and closed the door. "Bart you have the worst timing." I said after walking downstairs and picking up the phone. "You weren't at the cave so I called Robin."
"Umm, you left me in the cave soI slept for about fifteen minutes before Robin came. Where did you go?" I said wrinkling my nose.

"Umm, I was, I lost something and I needed to find it. It was super important."
"Really, it took you that long?"
"I um, actually had to run someone and grab something from the store and umm, I can't really tell you. But to make up for it and all can you meet me tomorrow at the cave by maybe 10:30? I have a surprise for you."
"I don't know about what I'm doing at all so why not." I could hear his smile. "Great! See you tomorrow! Get lost of rest night Becca."

"Goodnight Bart." I didn't hang up the phone right away, I paused for a moment before hitting end call. I yawned again and trudged my way back upstairs. I was soon back in bed and fast asleep.

Time skip

I woke up around ten. I groaned as I sat up sore from whatever I did yesterday. Oh yeah I took down Joker. Huh. Anyway I opened my door to see about fifty bags of clothing, shoes, girl stuff, and junk foods. "Crash." I brought in all the bags and went through them looking for the perfect outfit. I ended up with choosing black leggings, a white t-shirt, a thin green jacket, and a pair of sneakers. I checked the mirror and frowned. Time to fix this tragic mess. I rinsed my face off and moisturized it, then I did a layer of foundation. After that I applied mascara, eyeliner, and a nude lipstick. I brushed my hair after deciding to leave it down, and topped off the look with a pair of sunglasses. This routine took about ten minutes so I walked down stairs at about 10:14. Alfred was in the kitchen preparing what looked like pancakes. "Good Morning Miss Becca. Master Bruce has told me to give this to you." Alfred said drying off his hands with a towel and opening one of the many drawing in the kitchen, pulling out a phone box. It was the latest phone. "Thanks Alfred! This is so crash and what you're cooking smells amazing!"
"Thank you. Breakfast will be done in a minute. If it does not inconvenience you, will you be so kind to set the table for me?"

"Not at all. It's the least I could do for you." I took the dishes and placed them on the table, then sat down and took out the phone. It was already set up with Bruce's, Dick's Alfred's, and Tim's phone number programmed into it. I smiled and tucked it into my pocket when the boys came into eat breakfast. This was already going to be crash.

Ten Chapters Done! Thank you all for reading I'm glad you like the story. Remember to comment and vote. if you have any ideas to add to the story tell me. Bye!

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