Chapter 4

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(picture does not belong to me)

I covered my eyes with my hands to shield them from the light but it was gone as soon as it came. I looked out the machines window and saw the past, to be more exact, people, cars, the sun, the clean blue water. Life all around. Wait, all below me. The machines started falling. I screamed as the time machine plummeted into the ocean. I slowly sank down to the bottom as the machine lost power. I then went into full panic mode. "Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg." I curled up into a ball and shut my eyes tight. "What am I going to do now?" A few fish swam by and then, a person? I began to bang on the window but he seemed oblivious to me. I slumped back and took a deep breath. But then I started to kick the window. "Stupid Bart, stupid time travel, stupid ocean. Stupid, stupid, stupid." I kept kicking it again and again. Then it all shattered. The water rushed in and knocked me back. After the water stopped pushing in I slipped out of the window and desperately tried to swim to the surface. It seemed like it took years but I broke through the surface and took a deep breath. My lungs burned and the sun seared into my tired eyes. I bobbed for a little while before swimming towards the shore. I can't end like this. Eventually I dragged myself on shore and laid down on the sand. "Bart, I'm gonna kill you." I heaved. "Who are you? Are you injured?" someone asked from behind me. I rolled over to see a tall black haired boy. It took a moment before I recognized him. Of course, a face I had seen many times before on tv and in newspapers. Superboy, aka Conner Kent, aka Superman's first son. I realized that since I'm from the future, where secret identities have been long exposed from the war, I should have a much easier time picking out superheroes in disguise. "I am a tired person who almost drown and would love to be left alone."

"You aren't allowed to be here. You have to leave." I forced myself  up and gave him the 'are you really serious?' look before sprinting to one of the caves entrances. I heard him curse behind me. I ducked behind a few strategically placed trees and opened up an old escape route that leads into the mountains main room. Thank god I took a tour of this place in school. I guess taking a superhero elective paid off. A few seconds later I'm inside the mountain. I was located in the vents above the kitchen. "Eh, close enough." I dropped down on the table and scoped out the room. "Alright now to find Bart." I tiptoed through the secret base. After getting lost a few times I eventually found the main room. It was deserted. At this point it felt like my arms and legs were gonna fall off. "Alright plan B.... BART WHERE ARE YOU YOU LAZY SLOPPY PIECE OF-" a sudden zoom and blast of air flew into the room. I turned around and came face to face with..... Wally West, a different super speedster. "Really know how to give a girls hope up don't ya?" I sighed.

"Who are you?" he asked squinting at me. "Becca?" someone called out from behind Wally.

"BART!" I yelled pulling him out from behind Wally. I smacked his shoulder hard then hugged him. "You're a jerk Bart." I said releasing him. "Why are you here Becca?" he asked.

"Right to the point huh." I said rolling my eyes. "One, you left me. Two, nothing changed. Three-"

"Wait! Nothing changed?" he glanced over at a curious looking Wally and dropped his voice to a whisper. " What do you mean?"

"I mean nothing changed when you left! Everything was still destroyed and dead! I-"

"WAIT!" Wally screamed. "What didn't change and what or who is dead?!" Then of course, before anything can be explained, the rest of the team came in, dressed in their uniforms and armed for a fight. Great. What now?

Hey guys! I know that this isn't the best but the next one will be better! Thanks for reading, comment, vote! Bye!

Left Behind/~/Bart Allenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें