Chapter 9

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(I do not own the picture and just pretend that she has a mask on)

It had been about ten minutes before Robin called me at the cave.

'Becca you there?' Rob said through the coms.

"Here, Gordon just made his way on stage." there was a moment of silence before static. '

Be-ca -ker is he- coms bein- bro-n -p ther-' the coms died. Great. 

I stood up from the chair and took the elevator and went to the first floor. "Alfred?" I called out into the quiet mansion. "Yes? Who are you and how may I help?" he asked coming out from what looked like the kitchen. "My name is Becca Wayne, I am Bruce's granddaughter from the future. Tim and Dick are in trouble. I needs a temporary suit. "Right this way Miss Becca." he said without blinking. That went better than I thought. He led me back to the cave and towards the cases filed with suits. He passed that and opened a door that I didn't notice before. In there was what looked like suit prototypes. I picked one that was just my size and slipped it on quickly. "Thank you Alfred. Can you handle the coms and cams?"

"Yes miss Becca. There is a spare bike behind the batmobile. I presume you know how to drive?" I jumped on the bike and started it up. "Yep." I took off towards Dick and Tim. the bike was a lot faster than the one I used to have. "Crash." I zipped past cars and other bikes then stopped and jumped off when I made it to the gala. In side I heard screams and evil laughter echoing. I ran inside the back door and climbed into the vents. I used the computer on my wrist to hack into the cams. I saw Robin tied up in the corner with the hostages and Nightwing currently fighting the Joker. The Joker then took out a laughing gas bomb and detonated it in Dick's face. Dick fell over and started giggling. I climbed to the point where I was right over Joker and dropped down. I landed on his and and did a tuck and roll then jumping up into a fighting stance. Joker stood up and began laughing. "Ohhh a new little hero to play with. Who might you be?" he said with his grin widening. "You know I don't really have a name yet, but first things first, how about we take a trip to Arkham?"

"Oh you wish." he said taking out a gun and firing wildly. I dodged each bullet and caught the final one in between my thumb and pointer finger. I dropped it and jumped up doing a somersault and came down kicking him unconscious. I dusted off my hands and smiled. "That was easy. Now let's go to Arkham." I tied him up and gagged him before untying Robin and gave Nightwing an antidote for the Joker's gas. Just after that Gordon came up to us. "Good work Nightwing, Robin, and uh, who are you?"
"I don't really have a name yet so check in with me later I might have one then." he gave me a weird look before moving on. 

'Well done Miss Becca.' Alfred said in the coms. 

"Thanks but know it's time to go home. I'm craving cheesecake."

'Noted Miss Becca, there will be some waiting for you.'

"You, are a miracle worker."

'I try.' I laughed and nudged Nightwing. "Ready to go?"

"Yep. Robin move out." I followed Nightwing out the back door where their and my bike waited. We jumped on and began riding home. Boy was I ready for some cheesecake.

I'm back! Thank you all for reading and remember to comment and vote! If you guys have any ideas for Becca's superhero name tell me! Bye!

P.S. Bart will be in the next chapter

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