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Particles of dust hang in the mid-morning air. Despite the fact that Gran has only been gone for a few weeks, it would seem that a lifetime of dust and grime have accumulated throughout my childhood home.

It's hard to see the manor like this. The home that I remember was always warm and bright and full of laughter and life. It's almost as if Gran took all the warmth out of the world when she left.

White sheets drape over all of the furniture. And shades of sorrow that pollute my very soul and stain me irreversibly wash over the room in muted form. To me, the manor looks almost sickly. If a building could ever achieve such a feat it would be Gran's home.

How will I fill this home with life again?

"If this house makes you feel so bad, why don't you just sell it?" Suga asks me from behind as he wraps his arms around me.

I shake my head in response. "That's not an option. This is my childhood home."

He simply buries his face into my neck, nuzzling much like an actual cat might. Unlike a cat, and despite my current despair, the way that his breathe tickles my nape leaves me breathless.

"It's gonna be okay, " he tells me quietly. "I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but life does move on."

"But what do I do?" I ask him, trembling as he pulls me back into his arms.

He holds me as we sway side to side, and I am reminded of all the times I'd stood on Gran's toes, oldies playing in the background as she'd danced is throughout the room. It feels so empty now.

"What worked for me probably won't work for you, " he tells me softly. He almost sounds defeated to me. "I think you have to figure that bit out for yourself."

Of course Suga is right. And despite being prepared to spend a lifetime figuring it out, it only takes me a few weeks. As I finish the last of my resignation paperwork it hits me. Why not run my own shelter? Just because I can no longer work with Jin doesn't mean that I have to give up on my dream.

A world where hybrids are considered equals. And considering my growing feelings for Suga there is no better time to throw myself headlong into the work required of me.

I even have more than enough of my own savings, not to mention Gran's money. I know that I need to sit down and run the numbers, but I'm sure that I can do it.

Of course, the grand opening of Gray's Home doesn't go at all according to plan. For starters, the only person to show up is Kookie. Apparantly, after I'd left Haven's place, Kookie became far too difficult for Jin to handle. As a result, he'd sent Kookie my way.

The food that I'd ordered for the event shows up nearly three hours late. And the delivery driver becomes downright hostile when I leave him no tip. College kids. I sigh.

Hundreds of pamphlets that I'd printed full of information about hybrids and how human they really are have now been rendered useless. Millions of dollars of renovations have been essentially rendered useless too.

So here I am, alone in this giant 30 bedroom manor with two men who can't seem to get along for anything. Suga becomes even clingier than before, if that's possible. And of course Jungkook, who I've come to realize might actually have a crush on me after all, doesn't like that one bit.

And just like a cat, Suga gives zero fucks. Even if Jungkook is bigger than him. I get the sense that there isn't much, if anything, in this world that intimidates Suga.

The levels of testosterone in this house and the pissing match between the two men are almost enough to frighten me though. Almost. Although nothing is more frightening than the fact that this is only day one of our lives together in the same house. How in the world will I survive if this continues?

Not even a full day passes before my worst fears are realized.

As I stand before the stove, slaving away over breakfast for three, I hear the sounds of raised voices from the dining room.

"You need to back the fuck off before I eat you alive bunny rabbit, " Suga yells.

"She's not yours! And maybe she doesn't even want you! You're just afraid that she'll pick me after all!" Kookie shouts in response.

I place my stirring spoon onto the counter, wiping my hands upon my apron as I head towards the dining room.

"Shows what you know, " Suga sneers. "She's definately my woman."

"Then how come she isn't marked? You're delusional." Kookie gloats.

"Oh, it's only a matter of time. After all, she's already had my dick in her mouth. And I know she wants me. I bet she sees you as nothing more than a baby. A child to take care of, " Suga says, cruel satisfaction dripping fr his words. "Here's an idea. Once I've fully claimed her, maybe I'll talk her into adopting you. You're only, what, twelve?"

I watch as Kookie slams Suga to the ground in the blink of an eye. Even Suga looks somewhat startled by his new position on the floor and the bunny hybrid who hovers over him snarling.

"Don't think for a second I can't tear you to pieces, " Kookie roars. "And you will not have her."

"First of all, " I yell, "I am not some kind of toy to be argued about, or claimed. Both of you need to back off! And second of all, if I ever catch the two of you fighting again, both of you will pay the price. Play nice, children."

I don't even care whether or not Suga is upset with me as I storm away. They can fend for themselves for breakfast.

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