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"So, " I gloat, pulling my chair out before sitting eagerly. "It seems that you ended up following my instructions after all. I suppose your lawyer advised this?"

The lady before me huffs in annoyance.

Mrs.James doesn't seem to be the kind of woman who is used to not getting her way. Too bad for her that I really don't give a damn.

"Just so we're clear, I have no intention of freeing him, " she snarls. "I'm here to negotiate the conditions on which you will allow him to come home."

"Well then, I think you'll be sorely disappointed today ma'am." I inform her jovially. "Because I have the document required for Yoongi's freedom right here, and I'm not leaving until you sign it."

"You're wasting your time then, " she replies, rising from her seat angrily. "And mine as well."

"Nuh uh, " I scold, "You're not going anywhere. Unless, that is, you want us to start digging into your personal affairs. My experience with Yoongi alone is enough to determine that you abused him in unspeakable ways."

"And what of it?" She snarls.

And yet she plants her butt back into her seat disdainfully.

"As you are well aware, Mrs.James, though hybrids are not afforded the same rights the rest of us have it is still illegal to abuse them. It's an added law, of the same vein as animal cruelty."

I watch as her skin becomes pallor and sweaty. She is obviously uncomfortable with the idea, and this works in my favor.

"Your records indicate that you are a wealthy woman, Mrs.James. You've got your fingers in a lot of pies, " I say calmly, folding my hands upon the table as I lean in to deliver what I expect will be the final nail in the coffin. "How many of those pies do you think might become inaccessible to you once you've been accused of such a horrendous thing?"

If she was pale before, then she is absolutely ashen now.

"What do you want from me?" She wails, obviously disturbed by what is now taking place.

"But you already know exactly what I want from you, " I tell her. "So why don't you go ahead and sign this paper for me."

Pushing the pen and paper to her, I wait. I don't imagine that it would take much more than that to crack this woman. I study her, still patiently waiting as her eyes nearly bug out from their sockets entirely.

"And I have your word? If I sign this no charges will be brought against me?" She asks, whining pitifully.

And as much as I'd like to see this woman pay for her crimes... I have to do what's right for Yoongi.

"You have my word, " I vow. "Not from me anyways."

With trembling fingers, she picks up the pen. And although her writing is chicken scratch, that sloppy signature is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life. 

With this, Yoongi is free.

I pay her no mind at all as she hastily retreats, tears in her eyes. They mean nothing to me. For every horror she's put Yoongi through, she deserves them.

Nothing can dampen my mood.

And as I make my way to the courthouse, I smile. I can't help but wonder how Yoongi will react to becoming a bona fide free man!

Even the terribly rude court clerks, and the judgemental stares that I receive from others can't bring me down. The whole process seems so much speedier than the other times. Before I know it I am on my way home, legal documents in hand.

I've barely even had any time to step through the door before I am suddenly enveloped in a tight embrace.

"Where did you go?" Yoongi whines. "I woke up and you were gone."

I smile in response, holding out the vanilla envelope filled with documents that I've spent all day acquiring.

"What's this?" He asks, taking it from me as directed.

His nimble fingers undo the clasp, and pull forth the documents hidden within.

"Congratulations Yoongi, " I shout cheerfully. "You're free!"

As if my words were a bullet, he recoils, dropping the paperwork in shock. I watch as tears begin to pour from his eyes. With shaky hands, he shields his eyes from my view.

The way that he's holding his face... It's almost as if he believes that if he hides it long enough, the tears will go away.

I wonder if that's how he's been living his life too? It breaks my heart to imagine all the things he must have had to endure.

He's so lost in his own emotions that all it takes from me is a gentle tug and he is flinging himself into my arms.

"I'm so happy, " he sobs against my chest. "What should I do Hazel? I'm so happy."

"Then why are you crying?" I ask kindly.

He releases me, drawing himself up to full height proudly before looking me in the eyes. Despite the tears still running down his cheeks, he is smiling. Such a bright smile, despite all the darkness that he's been forced to endure.

"Because I'm so thankful. I'm so thankful to have met you and to have been lucky enough to receive your love. I don't deserve you, or this, but I swear I won't let you regret any of it." He vows, solemnly. "I won't let you regret loving me. And I'll never let you regret saving me."

With a stretch, I place a kiss upon his nose.

"Silly Yoongi, " I tell him kindly. "It was touch and go for a little while, and I honestly wasn't sure we'd ever get along. But the truth is that you do deserve this. Every bit of it. And I intend to love you for a very long time."

With an earnest chuckle, he dries his eyes.

"Is this the part where you tell me to take responsibility?" He jokes.

"And if it is?" I inquire teasingly.

Just like that, I find myself drawn back into his embrace.

"Well you're the one who stole my heart, so maybe you should take responsibility, " he whispers huskily into my ear.

"Hey! Where's the toilet pap- holy fuck my eyes!" Kookie shouts suddenly, startling the both of us with his abrupt appearance. "Get a room!"

Yoongi doesn't even wait for Kookie to storm off, opting instead to drag me away and towards our now shared bedroom.

"Don't mind if I do, " he purrs.

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