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It's been a few months since Yoongi began working, and I still worry about him. Free or not, there are still so many people in this world that would eagerly take advantage of him. To be honest, I'm surprised that he was so insistent on this particular job.

Though, if what he says is true, then I suppose it makes sense.

Jung Hoseok is a very interesting choice of employer, I'll say that much. How many hybrids actually own their own business? I can't say that I'm not proud of Yoongi, but I do worry. From what I've heard Hoseok, or Hobi as Yoongi calls him, is still living with his own master.

It still frightens me that Yoongi is the only free hybrid employed by Hoseok.

Continuously though, Yoongi tells me that his employer's a good man. A bit on the hyper side, but a good man nonetheless.

"Hey, Hazel!" Kookie shouts, rushing to the couch where I have remained lounging pretty much all day. "What are you doing? You're not supposed to be here!"

"Why not?" I shout back, irritated by his ever-increasing demands as of late.

"I told you I had someone coming over today!" He exclaims. "You promised you'd go see Yoongi at work or something! She'll be here any second, just go!"

He yanks me up from the couch, grumbling about how heavy I am the whole time.

"Well excuse you, " I sniff angrily. "If you've got a problem with my weight don't bother trying to lift me!"

"Yeah, yeah, " he complains. "Just get going!"

Despite never having believed myself to be a petty person, I'm feeling some pretty petty things right this moment. Sighing, I grab my jacket from the peg beside the door, shuffling into both that and my slippers.

"Fine, " I tell him, resigning myself to my fate.

Suddenly an impish smile spreads itself across my lips."Just make sure you use protection Kookie!" I shout, rushing out of the door before he can grab me.

The blush on his face is totally worth whatever earful I'm gonna get from him later tonight.

Lately Kookie's been spending a lot of time with this girl, Kyrie. She seems sweet enough, if not a little quirky. I don't even understand why he's so desperate to get me out of the house, it isn't like the two have made any real moves at each other.

Turns out, Kookie is incredibly shy. Far too shy to make the first move. And Kyrie? Well, she seems to suffer from severe self-esteem issues. It might be too hard for her to realize that Kookie is rapidly developing feelings for her.

Kicking the ground absentmindedly, I sigh.

What am I gonna do with that kid? I still haven't managed to find Kookie's previous owner. Not for a lacking of trying though. But the more I dig into his record, the more it seems fishy. Just where did Kookie actually come from? Nobody at Haven's place knew anything about his life prior, mostly because he never talked about it.

He just... Showed up one day, battered and bruised.

I can't help but feel like something doesn't quite add up.

The walk to Yoongi's place of employment is actually a relatively short one. This had been one of the reasons I'd been convinced to allow Yoongi to apply. Working within walking distance means less gas needed in the car, after all.

Already I can see the large sign that reads "Golden Leaf Pottery" ahead. A few more steps is all that is required before I am in front of the heavy oak door, emblazoned with shiny golden lettering.

"Yo, Yoongi!" Hobi yells, his small squirrel like ears twitching as I enter the shop. "Your girlfriend's here!"

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