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"Dammit!" Luke spat as he shook off a hard hit I'd tossed into his face. His dark blue eyes looked livid, but he was training me to be this way so he could only grunt and tell me to come at him again. I grinned grimly, knuckles slowly recovering from the throbbing they had been doing and took up a defensive stance instead. I'd done remarkably well in the past three days as well as getting caught up on homework. The Annual Gathering was just a night away and I was glad that today was friday since Bree had been more and more insistent of me coming to her place or her coming over to Roman's and I couldn't have that. Winter had been spoken to about Jace and although she didn't like that we were right or Yorik had ordered her to get rid of him, she couldn't disobey. Once Jason was free of Winter he seemed to back off more and I prayed that he stayed that way. My thoughts were completely on Cole now, I couldn't afford to think about Jason's crazy ass, I needed my brother back and as I slammed my palm into Luke's chin and lashed out with my foot, sending him on his ass, I knew I was just about done with my training.

Luke growled, his eyes flashing and my bones immediately began rearranging and just as he sprung, shifting and shredding his clothes, I met him midway in my furried body and destroying my own clothing. Luckily, I had spare clothes sitting with Roman on the side.

A snarl worked it's way out of my muzzle and even though I was small against Luke I'd learned early on that I was good as a wolf. As Luke and I tumbled to the ground, he easily overpowered me and worked me beneath his large wolf form, but I wouldn't take things lying down. My teeth shot out as though I would snap his throat open and he cringed, thinking I would. I used his weakness and shoved my hind legs up, slightly clawing his stomach as I shoved him away. He rolled on the ground and I sprinted after, tail bristling and waving high as I now loomed over him, teeth bared. Despite the anger in his wolf eyes at being -- literally -- thrown into submission, I could tell he was incredibly proud and I backed away allowing him up.

He shifted and by now I was comfortable with nudity, having went on two more raw hunts since my first. He grunted his appreciation at my training and murmured, "You are done."

As he turned away to grab his clothes I barreled over to Roman, knocking him down in my wolf form and slobbering all over his face because I was so damn excited to have accomplished something so fast. Roman simply chuckled and waited for me to settle down and shift back before handing me my clothes.

"I'm so proud of you," he murmured, kissing the side of my head. I beamed at him, adoring what we had. I now slept in his room every night because my nightmares had all, but vanished in his presence. Of course sleeping in his bed more frequently led to kisses and kisses led to heavy make out sessions and despite not having bonded yet I knew I wanted to. We might have known each other for a short time, but in Lupus society it wasn't uncommon, and compared to soul mates our dating was practically a sin in its own right for being so long.

I chuckled to myself as we stood up, knowing it wouldn't be long before we were life partners. But I wanted to wait until after the Annual Gathering still. I was feeling a lot of pressure from the gathering and with Bree as well since she'd been begging me to see me outside of school. That was a problem though and I'd done my best to avoid her all week, just barely managing.

"So you ready to finally dine in tonight?" Roman murmured, squeezing my arm.

I nodded. "You bet. Raw is cool and all, but nothing beats Annalise's cooking."

Roman chuckled. "Yep, that's what we all think."

"What are we gonna do until dinner?" I asked curiously. I'd chosen to do training with Luke after school today rather than before and even with the training, we still had quite a few hours.

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