Kidnapped [JAMILTON]

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I don't usually take walks around Central Park. It's such a long park and I'm such a lazy human bean in the mornings, it isn't something I often think about doing. But today, something is different. The birds are chirping louder than usual and the cars aren't honking as much. It's a sign for me to go outside.

So I do.

I pull on Adidas sweatpants and an Adidas t-shirt and pull my hair into a short ponytail. I brush my teeth and say goodbye to my pet turtle, Lance (i mean klance). Lance just sits in his cage and watches me walk out the door, keeping his head held high.

"Bye." I whisper to my apartment.

And I'm out the door.


I regret leaving the safety of my warm apartment the moment I step out of the place. People around me greet me and try to sell stupid things to me and I always have to find ways to ignore them.

It gets a bit better though.

I rent a bike and bike down to Central Park, thinking about my mom and turtle and my job. I even think about college, which is something I realize I should put my mind back to since I have five projects due in a short amount of time. They all got assigned yesterday.

I make it to Central Park.

Central Park is runners galore. Sometimes there are just parents and kids, too. Either way, it makes a normal vampire like me feel bad about not going outside and about staying inside and eating all day. Not that I'm fat, but I wish I worked out more...

As I'm thinking about my lack of athletics, that's when I see what I'm always scared of.

A man being kidnapped.

He's struggling against two other males, both of who are his same height. Speaking of height, the kidnapped man is way taller than me. So I'm pretty small compared to all of them.

Anyways, they have him gagged as they drag him across Central Park. In his hands is a copy of 'The Lord of the Rings." All the books put together in one... It's so thicc™.

And upon seeing that book, I decide I should probably try saving him.

I don't know what I'm thinking as I run up to the two men and try to pry their hands away from him, but it's no surprise that I can't get them to let go.

The man drops his thicc™ book and that's when I get my genius idea.

I grab the book off the ground and... hit the two men in the face.

They both fall over and one of them is holding his head. I feel like a murder. Everyone is staring at me like I did just murder them, but in reality I saved a man from being kidnapped. I grimace. Ow. It must hurt to be hit with such a heavy book.

But I feel no remorse.

I help the other guy up and that's when I realize exactly who they were taking away.

Thomas Jefferson.

My crush.

I feel my face turn a dark red as he turns over and looks at me. His face is red, too. Oh.

"Alex!" He jumps up, like he didn't want me to see him in such a vulnerable position.

"Hi." I say nervously.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

"I'm okay if you're okay."

His face softens. Both of our faces are red and I think we both know what the other is thinking; KISS ME BITCH.

So I oblige to the thoughts that actually might only be in my head and place the book on the ground. I step on it and kiss his lips softly.


I should go on walks more often.


moral of the story; books can do anything

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