Are You Kidding Me?

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*This is where Danny died, becoming a Supernatural type ghost. Amity was ruined. He just floated in the old, house out in the middle of nowhere.*

Danny floated around in the living room, a sad look on his face. He was tired. Why couldn't he sleep? Because your work's not finished. My homework?

Danny had three voices he spoke with. Reason, Afterlife, and Sarcasm

He was suddenly yanked to the ground, being held there. He shouted in surprise, not being able to find his way out of the silver chains. "Who are you?" 

"D-Danny!" Danny shouts. "What the hell is this stuff?" 

"Silver." Sam says. "Now, what are you doing here?"

Dancing on rainbows. Danny snorted. "I don't know, to be honest." He says.

"That doesn't make any sense." The one holding him down says, looking at the other. The one holding him down was confused. 

"I know." Danny says. "So, uh. I'm dead." 

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