Twenty Three

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"You know I put my heart and soul into this meal and you guys just don't care," Minsu shouted theatrically the moment we walked into the dining room. "This perfectly cooked meal has been sitting here waiting for you, and now it's cold and it feels abandoned. It was so looking forward to being eaten, but you do is think about yourselves!"

Minsu was now standing on his chair with his hands pressed against his cheeks and making the most dramatic facial expression Yoongi had ever seen. Yoongi immediately bursted out laughing, which made a satisfactory smirk appear on Minsu's face.

"Yeah, yeah, sit down drama queen, we'll just heat it up in the microwave," Monet replied blankly, but I could see a sparkle in her eyes. Monet always liked to act cold and tough when it came to Minsu, but I knew she loved his silliness as much as I did.

After dinner all of us decided to hold a scary movie marathon, even Ji-Ho joined. Of course Monet had already picked out the choice in movies and for once everyone agreed.

We started with Scream, which is an absolute classic we all need to watch, if you believe Monet. Then followed by Get Out, which came out pretty recently but Yoongi hadn't heard of it before now.

He had never been the type to keep up with recent movies, but Monet's enthusiasm was contagious and Yoongi started to really enjoy movie nights. The other reason was so he could show off his knowledge to Jimin, who was impressed every time.

A couple minutes into the last movie of their horror-marathon, The Shining, Yoongi's phone rang. Monet paused the movie, causing Minsu and Ji-Ho to protest loudly, but Monet ignored them and shot Yoongi a questioning glance.

Yoongi, who checked his phone to see it was Jimin calling, got up to walk to his room and get some privacy. "Just watch it without me, it's Jimin so it'll probably take a while." And with that he stormed out of the room without waiting for a respons.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Yoongi answered his phone casually.

"WHAT'S UP? I've been texting you for like the past three hours, but you seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth. Which particularly scared me today, since I know you went to see Shin-Cho again. And all you say is 'what's up'?"

Jimin sounded genuinly concerned and panicked which made Yoongi feel a little guilty. He hadn't even thought about letting Jimin know what had happened today and because of the movies he had forgotten to check his phone too.

"I'm sorry Jimin. Today was just a fucking rollercoaster and I didn't really feel like talking about it at first. But Monet kind of calmed me down and after that we decided to have a movie marathon, so that's why I didn't call you."

Yoongi knew it sounded like a lame excuse but it was the truth.

"Monet calmed you down?" Jimin stayed silent for a little bit. Yoongi wanted to say something to make him feel better but he was at a loss for words. He knew that Monet was still a sensitive issue for Jimin.

"I am glad she was there to help you out."

Yoongi could hear how Jimin tried his best to hide the bitterness in his voice, but Yoongi knew him too well. The suppressed pain in Jimin's voice fired up the guilt inside him. He never meant to hurt Jimin, he cursed himself for not thinking about calling him.


"No it's okay Yoongi, don't worry about it. I understand, she's there with you. I would also rather talk to someone who's physically there than someone on the phone. But can you still tell how it went?"

The guilt now started to cloud his mind. Jimin didn't deserve a boyfriend like him. All Jimin ever did was support and take care of him, while he couldn't even call him over something as important as this.

"I'm so sorry Jimin for not calling you, I-I don't know wh-why I didn't," Yoongi sobbed.

"Hey calm down, don't cry, please. You probably have a million things on your mind, it's okay Yoonie, really." Jimin's genuine assurances calmed Yoongi down a little bit.

"What happened with Shin-Cho? Did he attack you again? What got you this upset?" Jimin sounded worried now.

Yoongi hadn't even talked about what happened with Shin-Cho yet, seeing his mother had ruined what had been such a good day.

Yoongi started explaining what had happened between him and Shin-Cho. "I think we might actually end up being friends again, Jimin." Yoongi ended. He hoped Jimin would understand, but he wouldn't blame him if he didn't because Jimin had never known the real Shin-Cho.

It stayed silent on the other end of the line for a minute. "I'm glad for you Yoonie. I mean I don't really understand yet why you would want him back in your life, but I am willing to give him a chance if you are."

Everytime Yoongi thought he couldn't love Jimin more than he already did, Jimin would do something to prove him wrong. He somehow always knew to say the right things, say the things he needed to hear, without hiding his own feelings. Yoongi admired Jimin for that, he wished he could express how he felt like that.

"But if things went so well with Shin-Cho, then what happened to make you so upset?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi had dreaded this question. Monet might have calmed him down a little, but thinking back to the confrontation with his mom still freaked him out.

"I saw my mom," his voice was barely a whisper.

"Your mom? What, how?" Jimin sounded just as confused as Yoongi had been about seeing her.

"She told me Shin-Cho had contacted Hyung-Woo through one of the security guards working at the prison, but I think Hyung-Woo knew nothing about it. She came to convince me to drop the charges against Hyung-Woo." Yoongi paused before getting out the next part, the part of the story that he still found hard to wrap his head around.

"She told me she was pregnant with his child."

The silence on the other end of the line made Yoongi even more nervous. "Jimin? Are you still there?"

"Do you think she's telling the truth?"

"Yes, she showed me a photo of the baby."

"Well couldn't that be fake? I mean, from what you told me about her, all she does is lie." Jimin had a point, but Yoongi's instincts told him she wasn't lying about this. I mean, she was lying about wanting to protect the baby, all she wants is to protect herself from getting cut off from booze. But she wasn't lying about the baby.

"She's not, I could tell she wasn't lying about this."

"So what are you going to do?"

Thinking about this again suddenly gave Yoongi a moment of clarity. Like there only was one real option. "I'm not backing down. If my mother will really have that baby, it means I'll have a baby sister and I'd do anything to protect her. Which means getting her away from her toxic father."

Yoongi felt more determined than ever to put Hyung-Woo behind bars. It seemed like every day another reason appeared to keep going, even though it was going to be the hard speaking about the past in front of people he'd never met. He knew this was the only way. The only way to be free. The only way to help his family.


Hello lovelies,
Guys I've been missing your comments... I feel stupid and whiney saying this, but I really enjoy reading your comments. I kinda feel like maybe this story is starting to be less interesting, but I promise, I still have some awesome things planned for it. I just don't feel like rushing it too much, I like writing about Yoongi's relationship with Jimin and his new friends. I hope you guys also like reading about it.

xx Mel

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