Thirty Three

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* TRIGGER WARNING, LIKE A SERIOUS ONE, very graphic violent scenes*

A deep roaring laughter escaped from Hyung-Woo's lips. "Boy if you think you can beat me you're in for a surprise. You might have gotten stronger, but you're no fighter. All you do is run, that's what you've always done. You don't have it in you!"

Hyung-Woo's hand wrapped around his ankle and pulled it, making Yoongi loose balance. His head slammed into the uneven wooden floor of the bar. Stars were dancing before his eyes, but he had no time to recover because he heard Hyung-Woo get on his feet.

Ignoring the pounding in his head, Yoongi picked himself up and faced Hyung-Woo. Yoongi scanned his surroundings to look for anything he could defend himself with. Hyung-Woo was quick to grab another bottle, but Yoongi's hand found a tray to shield himself.

He needed to get away from behind the bar, there was too little space to move. He turned around an ran to the opening. "Running again?" Hyung-Woo's laugh sent chills down his spine. Before he reached to opening Se Jun, his father's right hand, blocked his way. Shit, Yoongi had forgotten he was here too.

"Not so quick boy, you ain't going nowhere," Se Jun hissed. He made a move to grab Yoongi by his shirt, but he averted the attempt. "No! Leave him, I want to handle this on my own," Hyung-Woo growled behind him.

Yoongi had nowhere to run. It would take too much time to jump over the bar and Se Jun blocked his way to freedom. His heartbeat raced and all of the sudden an overwhelming fear took over him. What had he done?

Before he could think about his next move he felt a blow to his stomach, making him bend over in pain. "Stupid kid, you think you're so tough. You should honestly thank me, since I'm the only one ever telling you the truth. You're weak and a coward, you have always been."

Yoongi groaned. "I'm not weak." He had spotted a knife near him and snatched it as fast as he could. Before Hyung-Woo notice Yoongi stabbed the knife into his side, a little below his ribcage. Adrenalin rushed through him like gasoline, powering his hands without even knowing how he did it.

They stood there for just a second, staring at the knife that was still inside Hyung-Woo's body. It was like time was standing still, Yoongi couldn't believe what he had just done. Just as he was about to pull out the knife he felt a blow to the back of his head.

The sound of glass shattering, while his vision started to get blurry. He fell to his knees while the sticky liquor ran across his back. "You little piece of shit!" Hyung-Woo had pulled out the knife himself and pushed it to his throat.

He pushed so hard a single stream of blood started to run down his neck. Hyung-Woo crouched down and looked into his eyes. "You have some balls stabbing me in my own home. You're going to regret it." A mischievous look appeared on Hyung-Woo's face.

"You see, at first I planned to kill you quickly, because after all you're still my stepson. But now..." He paused, and grinned. "Now I'm going to make it hurt like you've never felt before."

"Se Jun, help me get him up." Two pairs of hands grabbed him by his arms and started dragging him to a chair. With all the strength Yoongi had left he tried to shake them off, but they were too strong.

They threw him in a chair and tied his hands together behind his back. They pulled the rope so tight it carved into his skin, making him grimace in pain. Hyung-Woo laughed. "If it's that easy to hurt you you'll be in for a bad time."

"What will we do with you?" Hyung-Woo pensively traced the tip of the knife across his face, sometimes pushing it harder leaving a small cut. Suddenly Hyung-Woo grabbed a fist full of his hair yanking his head so their faces were only inches apart. "Cause you see, I don't want you to pass out. I want you to feel every agonizing moment of it."

Yoongi didn't even see the first punch coming, but he felt the pain spreading from his cheekbone until his whole face was pulsing. Then another one followed, and another. Yoongi hadn't counted them, but when it stopped all he could do was let his head hang. He had no strength to keep it up.

He was barely conscious when he heard the sound of the drill. He lifted his head and tried to move back with the sight of the drill inches away from his face. His chair staggered and Yoongi tried to regain his balance but failed. He crashed backwards, chair and all.

Hyung-Woo looked down on him amused. "Let's see how many holes we can make in you before you die." Yoongi felt how he got lifted back up again, but he barely had the strength to keep his eyes open.

"Please, stop!" A female voice yelled from the back of the bar. It took Yoongi a second before he realised it was his mom's voice. "Hyung-Woo please don't kill him. There has to be another way," she sounded desperate.

"Don't start acting like you love him now, you never bothered before," Hyung-Woo spat back annoyed. His mom cautiously started moving closer, the horror growing on her face once she was close enough to see the damage they had done to him.

"I'm begging you Hyung-Woo, he's just a kid. I think he learned his lesson, just let him go." Tears started to pour down his mothers cheeks. Yoongi hadn't seen his mother like this in a long time, she never used to cry when Hyung-Woo had beaten him up. She was always too drunk to care.

She suddenly took a step closer to Hyung-Woo trying to grab the drill from his hands, but she was too slow. Hyung-Woo forcefully pushed her back, which almost made her collapse. "I'm telling you woman, you better leave before I take a swing at you too."

His mom turned around and Yoongi's last hopes disappeared with her. He was stupid for putting his hope in her, she'd never once been there for him. The sound of the drill snapped him out of his thoughts.

Se Jun and Hyung-Woo looked like demons, standing over him smiling, with blood covering their faces, and ready to take another soul. "Ready boy? You have brought this on yourself, you should have just given up," Hyung-Woo's voice seemed to come from the depths of hell, like in his dreams. But it wasn't a dream, he wouldn't wake up this time.

He closed his eyes, picturing Jimin. He'd never see him again, he would never be able to apologize. It was the one thing that hurt more than anything Hyung-Woo could ever do.

The sound of the drill became louder and louder and chased away the images of Jimin, until the sound completely haunted his thoughts. Then the excruciating pain. He didn't want to scream, he didn't want to give them the satisfaction, but his mouth seemed to have a life of its own.

He couldn't take much more and felt himself drifting off. The sounds in his mind quieted, Hyung-Woo faded away and his vision became black. Just before he lost consciousness there was one last sound that reached him.


Hello lovelies,

Sometimes I hate myself. I'm sorry, this got waaaayyy wayyyyyyy intense, but it kind of shows what Yoongi had to go through all these years and why he would do anything to protect Jimin from Hyung-Woo. Anyways, I hope you're all okay, not sure I am... I'll try not to keep you waiting for too long on the next part.

Love Mel💕

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