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She had just come downstairs after telling her younger siblings to go to bed. Thankfully the twins were rather intoxicated and would have a long sleep no doubt. Abel had also staggered down with her. Her feet were throbbing she could certainly do with a foot rub. There's a kind of tired that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more. For Nikita that was one in the same. She struggled to keep her eyes from closing, but she remained determined to stay awake.

"Are they in bed?" Her father asked letting out a yawn. He too was tired, but not because of a hard day's graft, he was tired because of all the drink he consumed. She knew he had at least half a bottle today and by the looks of things Raziel had also had a dram, which was unusual, her father guarded his drink like a mad dog.

"All tucked up," she replied as she threw herself onto the couch. Abel followed her with less style. Now she only hoped her father would not make any last-minute requests. She knew, already, she had two additional breakfasts to cook up tomorrow, which was no big deal. Got her away from the farming duties for one.

"That is where I need to go," Raziel said as he took a long drink of whiskey, gurned, wobbled like an air dancer, then passed the bottle back to her father. The Enlighted are not notorious drinkers, or so Nikita was told. Apparently, a few sips are enough to get them legless. Hence why Raziel had pirate eye and was barely managing to stay on his feet.

"Of course," her father said as he grabbed the bottle and took a long swig himself. "You can have Abel's bed." Bob generously offered. "Are you alright with the couch my boy?" In her father's view Abel had little choice. The couch was alright, but she knew her bed was so much better.

"Fine," Abel said a tad bit disenchanted. His pate lowered and he looked at the couch and he paid Nikita a warm smile. He was probably looking forward to sleeping in his own comfortable bed which was extra springy. She occasionally slept in that bed because the mattress would swallow you whole it was like being in a womb she imagined.

"There is plenty of room in my bed," Nikita piped up as innocent as she could.

Her father looked less than pleased with her recommendation as his brow furrowed. This was why Abel left home in the first place, because Abel and Nikita got to close. Her father didn't like it one bit, he had told them they were siblings, yet they were not tied by blood. "I'd prefer it if he slept down here," her father suggested firmly.

"Daddy," Nikita said in an argumentative tone.

"No daddy about it," Bob immediately replied, slashing his hand through mid-air and then wagging his finger at his daughter. Laying down the law as it were.

"Nothing's going to happen!" Nikita snapped. She made her point.

Raziel looked like he didn't want to touch this issue with a ten-foot barge pole. He stayed well clear of firing line. So too, did Abel.

"Its fine," Abel tried to remain neutral flailing a hand between the bickering pair as if to say simmer down. "I will take the couch," he assured his adopted father.

"There!" A jubilant Bob agreed.

"Abel needs rest doesn't he. He has had a long day today and tomorrow he will have an even longer day ahead of him," she looked at Raziel with lonely eyes and longed for the Enlighted to suggest something, anything.

"We all have a long day tomorrow," her father alluded her to that fact. "I fail to see your point."

He saw it alright.

"He does have a long day," Raziel added scrunching up his nose. He was probably expecting the third degree from Bob, or worst.

With everyone ganging up on her father, he stood to his feet albeit unsteadily. He had heard enough, but he did concede to the request and said, "fine!" In a bit of a huff, he left the room with his bottle of whiskey in hand. She knew this was as close to a blessing as he was going to offer. Bob did at least have the common courtesy to say, "G 'night," but said nothing else as he shut the door firmly with a slam.

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