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"Father," Nikita said timidly. She flexed her writing wrist as she had been doing the bulk of the writing you see. Her father was just signing of his name and doing an odd letter when he felt like it, he was not much of a correspondent. She had already used up two pens and was now on her third. At least this was some form of escapism from all her other menial chores. Most of which the twins had guaranteed to do and surprisingly had done. Nikita had written the same menial message repeatedly. It was the only thing on her mind. That and what Abel was getting up to.

"Yes m'dear," her father replied just finishing adding his signature to the last letter. Today they would be sending out the messenger ravens to other Seasonal's around Talamh regarding the secreting meeting in Berries Field, Ardra, in less than a month.

"Why is there going to be a meeting of all Seasonals?" She had wanted to ask sooner.

"A great evil will rise," her father told her. "He will come on the back a great dragon and lead host of Demons to take over Talamh. If he succeeds. . . this will begin his thousand-year reign. . . or so he hopes."

"You mean Draven Hellbore? Dont you?" Nikita mused. Her father nodded to agree. "Are you going?" She asked him. She wanted to know the plans. She felt she was old enough to bear responsibility.

Her Father sighed, sat back in his chair, rubbed his beard and cleared his throat by taking another drink of his precious whiskey, that he rarely let out of his sight. Nikita would have attempted to hide the bottle if she could get near it that is. "We are all going, child," her Father admitted. "Demon Days are a 'coming. We need every good Seasonal to come together and fight a common enemy. We care not about prejudice, everyone has a part to play, a leading role. If we are to stand a chance and keep evil at bay, we must unite. According to Raziel, the army of the Damned is at full strength." Nikita gasped in horror.

"Can we stop them? The evil that stirs?"

"I hope so my sweet child. . . I hope so." Her Fathers lacklustre response was not overly inspiring, nor was it reassuring. Her Father continued. "If we dont unite we will all perish, sinners and saints alike."

"Who is going to train us then?" Nikita knew that at some point both herself and her sisters would need to learn the ways of a Seasonal. "Will it be Ahura Rwy'n?" She asked. "Or another one of the Enlighted? I mean that would sense. Right?"

"No... as a matter of fact. Eh, not at first at least."

Again, her Father continued with his intolerable drinking habit. She would have a word with him for sure at some point. it was really getting out of hand now.

"Then who is going to train us?" She put the question to him.

"Em. . . I have been chosen to train the Seasonal's," her Father admitted. "I will need a good right-hand man or. . . better still, right-hand woman," he looked at her curiously and she had a feeling what her Father was insinuating.

"Me?" She sounded shocked. She did not know if she meant that as a question or an exclamation. "You want me to help train Seasonal's? But you forbid me from using my powers."

"You have used your powers?" Her father raised a brow leaving his bottle aside for now.

"Well, yes at times, but I have only been able to create illuminating orbs, that is all you have taught me to do in truth."

"You're are powerful Niki, though you don't know it. The time has come my sweet child. A new Dark Age will begin soon, and we must be prepared for the worst. In real life, there are rarely happy endings. You have to be wholly ignorant to admit this saga will have one, my sweet - sweet child," He stretched his arm over to her and brushed the side of her cheek with his knuckles. His hand was warm.

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