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"This is not good," Kai groaned.

"Isn't that a bit of an understatement?" Jay replied.

"No kidding," said Cole. "Who knows what's in store for her?"

Lloyd gulped.

"So isn't it obvious?" Kai said. "We go follow him and rescue

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Zane replied. "The Alterer's powers could easily render us useless."

"So do we sit around and do nothing?" Jay yelled.

"That's not what I'm saying. However, there is a low chance of success if we try."

"So we have two for yes, one for no," Kai broke in. "Cole, what about you?"

"I don't want to do it," Cole said. "We're no use to (Y/N) as whatever the Alterer turns us into. And besides, I really don't like the idea of facing him again."

"I'm not deciding," Nya told them. "I don't really know who to side with...you both make good points."

"Lloyd, that means it's up to you," Cole said, looking in his direction.

"I vote yes," Lloyd finally announced. "We have to do it. I can't really explain it any more than that. I just have this...feeling."

Jay nodded. "I feel the same way, kinda..."

"So we do it?" Cole asked.

"Yes," said Lloyd.

"It's gonna be crazy dangerous, right?" Kai asked Lloyd.

"Yes it is. "

"I like it," Kai replied, grinning.

"I don't, but I'm outvoted on this, " Cole grumbled.

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "All right. Here's the plan... "


"Is everyone ready?" Lloyd asked, looking at everyone. "We all know what we have to do, right?" Everyone nodded.

"Let's go, then," he replied, as everyone took off.

After everyone had completed their part, it was Lloyd's turn. He snuck in to the final chamber - and he saw her.

"So...the Green Ninja," cackled the Alterer. "Supposed to be all- powerful, but you're going to be gone in a second - no contest. " The beam missed his shoulder as he dived.

"It won't be that easy," Lloyd replied.

They fought. And fought. It was a fairly even match, surprisingly enough. Finally, Lloyd got the upper hand...and then he heard a voice.

"Help me!" (Y/N) cried. The cage she was in was slowly being lowered into a pit of lava.

He could have beaten the Alterer - for a while, anyway. But in that moment, he knew what he had been suspecting - or really, what he had known all along - she was the one.

"We'll beat you someday, " Lloyd told him, then ran down to save her.


"Surprisingly, the mission was a success," Zane said when they were all back.

"In more ways than one," Lloyd replied. "She's the one."

"Wha - you sure?" Cole asked him.

"We have to try it," Jay replied.

"What is everyone talking about?" (Y/N) asked.

Slowly, everyone created an elemental ball. Fire. Lightning. Earth. Ice. Water. And finally, energy.

Each of the elements combined to form a teal ball that dissolved into (Y/N).

"Wow. You were right." Jay said, looking at Lloyd.

"(Y/N)'s...the Teal Ninja?" Kai said. "I was sure that it would be me!"

Cole laughed.

"What...does that even mean?" (Y/N) asked.

"It means the fate of the final battle, " Zane said, deathly serious.

Green is Half of Teal (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now