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Jay first.

The one thought running through his twisted mind.

Jay first.

Not as close to (Y/N) as one of the others were, but he would do.

Jay first.

A warning, perhaps. To hint to her what was coming.

Jay first.

Because there would be more to come.

Jay first.

Much more.


"Jay, are you all right?" Nya asked as she sat down next to him.

"What? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he said, snapping out of his daze. The truth is, something wasn't all right, but he couldn't seem to put his finger on what.

The day before, they had fought...something. Someone or something had been sending a bunch of weird creatures after them in the past few days. Yesterday it had been a sort of humanoid creature with the most mesmerizing eyes.

Near the end of the battle, one had looked straight at him, sending shivers down his spine.

And then...what?

They had won, obviously. And then...went back to the Bounty.

But somehow he knew that something had happened. Something else. And whatever it was, he didn't like the mystery it was giving him. He had a feeling that everything had been all right, but another feeling that something definitely happened.

Whatever it was, it could be dangerous if he couldn't remember. Especially since he was a ninja. Dangerous stuff happened all the time, but not being able to remember what it was - therefore not knowing how to defend against the threat if or when it happened - that was a recipe for disaster.

Hopefully he figured out what was going on before it was too late.

Before someone got hurt.


"Was the operation successful?"

"Yes. He should be here anywhere from two hours to a day. However, his mind is still resisting."

"I take it it's hard to find a balance." A chuckle, as if they found it amusing.

"Especially in someone who is so unbalanced."

"Maybe not the right word."

"More like....jumpy, then. But that's still unbalanced."

"In a way."

"Strengthen your suggestions a bit, then."

"Okay." A pause. Then, "Who's next?"

"The one with a temper."

"They all have a temper."

A small smile. "You know what I mean. The one with the, ah, hot temper."

"I'll get ready on the suggester, then." The voice departed.

All that was left there now was a smiling shadow.

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