Chapter 4

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Aisha woke up early the next day. At 9 am, she was all dressed up and ready to leave.

She hardly had any sleep due to the nervousness she felt about going to the fortune teller.

Yes. A fortuneteller.

She hadnt told anyone about this little idea of hers. Not even Keerthi. So she had no idea whether what she was about to do was right or wrong. But she wanted to find out what was wrong with her life and would go to any extent to make it right.

After having an almost burnt toast and milk with ovaltine as breakfast, she headed to the address that the pamphlet showed.

She found that pamphlet lieing on the hood of her car a few days ago, precisely on the day she had lost her job. It was almost as if fate was finally playing its role as the good guy.

At first she thought it was a crazy idea. But having inherited some of her mom's superstitious thoughts she thought to give it a try.

Reaching the place seemed to be a lot easier than what Aisha had thought. She just took a few rights and lefts and reached in about 20 minutes.

When Aisha reached the particular builiding, she was surprisingly not exhausted at all after the 20 minute walk. The nervousness did not let her get tired. Infact she felt active and ready to do it.

When she was sure that the building she was standing in front of is the right one, she opened the door of the what seemed like an old and worn out building, the door creaked and produced an unpleasant noise that made her wince.

The door was huge and seemed do resemble a gate of a haunted mansion.

Aisha suddenly found the nervousness getting to her. She felt a weird sensation in her stomach, probably because of the burnt toast she had earlier, or maybe the milk, she thought.

Or it could just be nothing at all but just her bad luck that would cause her to puke at the most inappropraite timing.

Fortunately, she did not puke and after the weird feeling left her tummy, she began to relax and keep her calm by taking deep breaths. Even then she could feel the temperature around her warm and her palms felt sweaty.

The door lead to a few steep stairs that were very poorly lit by small round purple lights at the bottom of each step.

Aisha felt the need to get away from this dark place as fast as she could. She wanted to get over with it already.

She hurriedly but carefully climbed the steep staircase as fast as she could. She hated darkness. It was depressing and scared the living daylights out of her.

But being determined to talk to the fortune teller no matter what today, she was going to keep her fears and phobias away.

Speaking of the fortune teller, where the hell is he? These stairs seemed to be never ending.

Finally she reached the last step and looked ahead only to find a dark hallway again dimly lit by purple led lights. What with these dim purple lights now? Purple was one of Aisha's favourite colours but right now she did not at all like the combination of darkness and purple at all.

She began to walk down the hallway, trying to maintain her breathing and keeping her composure. She began to feel stupid now. Coming here all alone was not the best thing she did. She could have told Keerthi about it. But the last thing she wanted was for Keerthi to lure her into changing her mind and stop her from coming here.

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