Chapter 7

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I am doing much better at my new job than I had anticipated. Its been 2 days since I joined and everything is going smoothly so far. Hopefully everything will go well in the future too. Hopefully.

I made quite a few friends, and they all seem to be really fun people and Im glad there aren't any slutty chicks who hate people for no reason. I seemed to get along with them well.

Firstly I met with Akshit, (who is sadly nicknamed 'shit' by his friends).

"Hey newbee!" He had said cheerfully on my second day.

At first it was obviously a little awkward with all the other employees, but they all seemed very welcoming. And that was what made me comfortable.

Apart from Akshit, I had also met Sonia and Zoya, who were all seated around my cubicle.

"I think we should do our all time famous ritual today." Zoya said excitedly as I got comfortable on my seat.

"And what is that supposed to be?" I asked, curiousity taking the best of me.

"We throw a party whenever a newbee comes into our firm. Its just what we have always been doing and not doing it for you just seems unfair." Akshit winked.

"Its also a way in which you can also get to know the other fellow employees." Sonia continued.

"Sounds fun?" I said amusingly.

"Very much fun!"

"Party at Verona's tonight everybody! To welcome our newbee here!" Akshit screamed so everyone in that floor could hear. I also figured that I dint know where the certain Verona female lived, only to find out that Verona was an elegant clubs name.


I looked around at all the excited people when they heard Akshit shout, everybody clapping and greeting me. I looked over at the boss's office realizing Akshit was pretty loud.

"Dont worry," Zoya began, on noticing my tensed face. "He knows about this ritual and he will join us too." she winked.

I was too shocked to say anything. Pretty cool for a boss huh?

"I'll go and inform the others on the other floors, you guys leave now, boss sent an email to leave early! and reach Verona at 10 sharp!" Akshit said and walked towards the elevators.

"Wow.'' I was still shocked at how cool our boss, Dhruv seemed.

"Get used to it, he is a legit nice man. Got no worries in his life." Sonia said smiling.

"Lucky him." I hummed.

And then it struck me.

It was him. It was Dhruv, my boss, that the fortune teller talked about. It was him because of whom my life changed from unlucky to lucky and bad to good and boring to awesome overnight! He was a carefree and lucky man. He got me this job in which I made friends with these amazing people and got a good amount of salary. My life seemed all set! It was all because of him.

Wow, so much for finding out that particular person. I thought it was going to take ages!

Zoya, Sonia and I then headed to our respective houses and planned to meet at the entrance of Verona at 9:45 pm. I wasnt that close to them yet that I could go to their houses and get myself ready. Moreover I was a lot more confortable at my little appartment.

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