Chapter 16 - A Day With Him

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Chapter 16 - A day with him


After snoozing my alarm for what seemed like eternity, I finally woke up. I checked the clock to see that it was 12:30 pm.

I had kept my alarm at 10 am, and set my snooze time as 15 minutes. That meant that I had snoozed 10 times in total and woken 2 and a half hours late. I figured Keerthi mightve already left as she had to give makeup lessons to her interns on Sundays.

Just when I was about to get off my bed, my mobile vibrated. I picked it up from the side table and opened the message recieved. It must be Keerthi reminding me to wake up as usual, on every Sunday.

But instead I saw the most unexpected text from the least expected person I could ever think of. It was from Kamran. This early in the morning?

"U p y e t?" He had sent. Up yet? What does that-

And it struck me. He had asked me to wake up early last night.

Sigh. Last night. Everything that happened yesterday started to play in my mind. But I wonder why he had asked me to wake up early today? On a sunday for gods sake!

I jumped up my bed after replying him, "Y e p. O f c o u r s e."

"Are you sure?" Was his instant reply. "M e e t m e i n 15 m i n u t e s. I 'll b e t h e r e." Was the next message.

What! He is coming here? In 15 minutes? Shitshitshit. I run to the to the bathroom and brush my teeth and have a shower, all in supersonic speed. After finishing, there is still 5 minutes left. I put on a crop top and wear a leather jacket over and pull up my faded blue jeans. I dry my hair and just when I was done with pampering my face a little, my phone vibrates again.

"D o n e y e t?" Was his message. After replying "coming" and giving myself a last look in the mirror I grab my purse, put on my converse and leave a note for keerthi on the dining table that Im gone with Kamran. I realise that I will have to face her interview when I return but i am in a hurry. I rush in and out of the elevator and walk out of my building.

And lo and behold! There he is. He actually is there. Leaning on his white Audi and just typing looking down at his phone screen. It took me a minute to actually recognize that is him. Because 1) He looks so casual with a polo white tee and and black jeans considering so far I always saw him at the office when he was wearing suits only. And 2) He looked so casual and hot leaning against an Audi wearing sunglasses I think I need a minute to process his hotness into my system. Okay breathe.

Suddenly he turns his head towards the reception door and catches me just stupidly gazing at him. I try to seem as calm and collected as I can and walk towards his car.

"Sorry, i dint exactly wake up early." I apologized.

"Yep, knew it." He teased.

"Erm so where are going?" I ask him trying to sound as casual as I possibly can.

"Breakfast." He said.

"You could have told me in advance you know. I hate getting ready in a hurry."

"I did tell you last night dint I?"

"Nope, boss. You just left me confused."

"Okay, sorry baba." He smiled.

I blushed. Oh god. These kind of small things are not supposed to effect me so much.

He opened the door for me and I got in. No guy had ever done this gesture to me before. Well, not like I had been out or dated many guys anyway.

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