Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


After Aisha reached home, she was on cloud nine. She couldnt believe how her day went. This was definitely not what she was expecting. It had been so long since something good like this had happened in her life and-

"Where the hell were you?"

Ow oh. Well ofcourse, not the whole day was going to go great now was it? Keerthi's wrath was left!

"Erm, hi to you..too?" Aisha gave a goofy grin.

"I am not joking Aisha! No note, no nothing! Its 5pm! What am I supposed to think when you are gone for this long?"

Wait, was it actually 5? Definitely lost track of time with Maria!

"Hunny? I am not a kid. And you deary, are not my mother," Aisha said amused, "I could have gone for finding jobs too right? Like I always do?"

"But deary, you always come before lunch! Never this late." Keerthi said pointing at the clock.

"Okay fine. True. Im sorry."

"Where were you though?" Keerthi was confused. "I dont think there are any companies who conduct interviews this late?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

Ofcourse she is smart. Aisha knew she had to let her friend know sooner or later.

"I had gone to....err, a fortune teller." She made sure she said the last two words in the lowest of low voice but ofcourse-


"Okay let me explain-"

And then the outburst of her over protective friend started.

"You are joking right? I mean, omigod you are actually serious! Aisha what is wrong with you? Who even gave you this crazy idea? And was the fortune teller a man? And where is this place located? Is it close to our place? What if the creepy man comes here and gets you? You have no idea what these perverts can do for money and you are so beautiful what if-"


"KEERTHI! Calm down! It was a lady. And she was a very nice lady! Honestly." Aisha smiled. "And she told me something that will actually change my life forever. For good."

And then she went on explaining Keerthi about everything that happened that day not leaving anything out.

As expected, she was stunned.


"I know."

"But honestly, I knew you were a little superstitious about life, but this? Never thought you would be this crazy hon." She chuckled causing Aisha to roll her eyes.

"Honestly, I did not either." They both chuckled.

"So? How and when are you going to meet this lucky person who is apparently going to change your life?"

"Uh, I have no idea. Maria did not tell me all that. All she said was I'll meet her very soon. When and how, not a clue."

"I hope this new person does not replace your present best friend though." Keerthi sighed dramatically.

Aisha couldnt help but chuckle.

"You crazy? That will not happen in a million years."

"Just kidding." Keerthi winked. "So her name's Maria huh? Who even told you about her?"

"I found a pamphlet of hers. It was on the hood of my car."

"wow." Keerthi said stunned.


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