Chapter 8

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I felt my lungs throbbing as if there was lack of air in the room and suddenly collapsed on the floor. I was too shocked and upset to cry. I just stared wide eyed into nothing.

Zoya, Sonia and Akshit knelt down and tried to console me. Which was just stupid because I wasnt the only victim here. They lost their jobs too.

But it was also not fair. This party was supposed to be for me. For the celebration that I had got a job here. I did not know what to blame. Me, or my luck.

Speaking of which. How? How did I lose my job when Dhruv was there with me? Wasnt he supposed to be the man that would change my luck? And just when finally everything was going well, suddenly things collapsed all the way down. Why?

Maybe my luck was just too damned bad! It sucked! And that was the reason why not only I, but everybody in this firm lost their jobs! As soon as I joined this company, Dhruv decides to sell it!

My eyes went to the few people getting themselves drunk at the bar counter. They seemed furious. Obviously the ones that lost their jobs.

It dawned on me that this party was for me and I wasnt letting any stupid luck shit ruin it for me.

Not caring about my shitty present situation, I headed to the bar counter and screamed on top of my voice to everyone saying, "All drinks on me for tonight everybody!"



I found it hard to make my brain function normally at this moment. All I knew was I was seated on the bar counter drinking as many shots as my stomach could take. The dance floor was filled with swaying drunk people. I saw Akshit and Sonia at a distance on the dance floor. Boy, did they look wasted! Though Akshit still maybe looked a little sober, because I saw him stare at Sonia a while ago.

Zoya left a little while before. She was too innocent to get drunk and dance. Speaking of which, where was my innocence? Ive never got this drunk, Im sure. Hell, Ive never had a drink in my life. Until today. And boy, did it feel good! To just let away your worries for a while and just feel light headed. Though Keerthi had told me once how a hangover feels like. Meh, I'll worry about that when it comes.

Speaking of Keerthi, where is she? I hope she isnt drunk and dancing like all the others right now. I need someone sober to take me home. But wait, did she even come here with me?

I looked around at the bar counter and saw no one in particular seated around me, just maybe a few men a few seats away from me. I looked around at the bartender and decided they were my friends to talk to tonight.

"You know what you should do when life gives you lemons?" I slurred at a confused bartender.

"Make juice out of it? Wrong!" I said not waiting for him to answer. "You should wait for those lemons to rot and then throw the rotten lemons back at life and say 'there! take that you stupid idiot life because you suck!' Because life deserves it." I took another sip of my drink.

I looked up only to notice that the bartender was no longer there. Great. Now I am left alone all night just to talk to myself.

I felt another man's presence right next to me and figured it was Akshit.

"Will you believe me if I tell you that Ive never drank in my life before and tonight's the first time?" I asked him amused looking straight forward. "Life brought me here yaar. Life has been such a peice of shit for me. But after what happened tonight, thats it. There's only so much a person can take and this, this is my limit." I bent down and put my head down resting it on the counter.

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